Update: New Pest & Disease Records (14 Oct 15)

We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this fortnight include Nesidiocoris tenuis, a predatory species of the tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta in Iran, the first report of Chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus infecting tomato crops in Pakistan and root necrosis assessment of plant…
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Update: New Pest & Disease Records (30 Sep 15)

We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this fortnight include the first report of Pepper vein yellows virus infecting red pepper in mainland China, postharvest ginger rhizome rot caused by Fusarium verticillioides in Brazil and the first report of powdery mildew…
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Update: New Pest & Disease Records (16 Sep 15)

We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this fortnight include a new record of insect pests on seedlings of Eucalyptus, the occurrence of Alternaria species on cabbage in Iran,  and the dispersal, yield losses and varietal resistance of Sugarcane streak…
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Update: New Pest & Disease Records (02 Sep 15)

We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this fortnight include the First report of sheath brown rot of rice caused by Pseudomonas fuscovaginae in Korea, postharvest stem-end rot on immature coconut caused by Pestalotiopsis adusta in Brazil and the first report…
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Update: New Pest & Disease Records (19 Aug 15)

We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this fortnight include the first report of Beet western yellow virus on pepper in China, the first report of Botrytis cinerea causing blossom blight on Japanese plums in Chile and the first report…
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Update: New Pest & Disease Records (05 Aug 15)

We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this fortnight include the first report of frosty pod rot on cacao in Bolivia, the first report of Sclerotinia rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on lentil in Bangladesh and the first reports of Lettuce big-vein…
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Update: New Pest & Disease Records (22 Jul 15)

We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this fortnight include new distribution and host records for white coconut scale (Parlagena bennetti), fungi associated with black mould on baobab trees in southern Africa and two new Uropodina mites from a pine plantation in…
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Update: New Pest & Disease Records (08 Jul 15)

We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this fortnight include the first report of Rice stripe necrosis virus infecting rice in Benin, the occurrence of Tomato zonate spot virus on potato in China and the first report of Cassava common mosaic…
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Update: New Pest & Disease Records (24 Jun 15)

We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this fortnight include the first report of the tomato russet mite in northern Chile, Cytospora species associated with walnut canker disease in China, and globalisation, the founder effect, hybrid Phytophthora species and rapid…
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Update: New Pest & Disease Records (10 Jun 15)

We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this fortnight include the first report of Panama wilt disease of banana caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense in Pakistan, the first report of dieback of olive trees caused by Neofusicoccum australe…
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