The ‘plant’ doctor will see you now

This blog was originally published on Good Food Movement Until five years ago, M. Muthulakshmi, a farmer from Thoppupatti village in Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu, relied heavily on chemicals, including banned antibiotics like streptomycin, for her paddy crop. It was her go-to solution to treat bacterial blight, a deadly disease that affects crop yield. But, this…
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How strengthening South Sudan’s plant health system can reduce crop losses

In countries like South Sudan, people feel the effects of climate change with greater intensity. For example, increased crop pest invasions. The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) damages key crops like maize and sorghum. And the papaya mealybug (Paracoccus marginatus) has inflicted extensive damage on crops, leading to a 91% reduction in papaya yields. These factors and…
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Advancing pest management in Grenada through PlantwisePlus biological control training

In a remarkable effort to enhance agricultural practices, Grenada’s Ministry of Agriculture recently hosted a pivotal training course on biological control organized and co-funded by CABI’s PlantwisePlus programme in collaboration with Sandals Foundation*. The course provided participants with a comprehensive overview of biological control strategies tailored specifically to Grenada’s agricultural context.
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Blueprint for change: how a training manual will support pesticide risk reduction in Uganda

In the evolving landscape of pesticide regulation and safety, well-crafted training manuals are indispensable tools. They ensure that people who use pesticides can effectively navigate and implement risk reduction strategies. These knowledge resources can become a blueprint for changing behaviour around pesticides.
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Nepal update: Monitoring plant clinic performance

CABI, in collaboration with the Agriculture Development Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture and Land Management (MoALM), Gandaki province, Nepal, recently conducted a two-day training on Monitoring Plant Clinic Performance (MPCP). This crucial training was designed to enhance the quality of plant clinics, recognizing the pivotal role of plant doctors in providing accurate advice and quality recommendations…
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New plant clinic and farmer knowledge centre to help boost livelihoods and food security in Taita Taveta County

CABI’s PlantwisePlus programme, county government of Taita Taveta and the Micro Enterprise Support Programme Trust (MESPT) have joined forces to open a new plant clinic and farmer knowledge centre to boost livelihoods and food security in Taita Taveta County, Kenya.
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Improving plant health in Papua New Guinea with plant doctor training

Plant clinics require trained agricultural extension workers to deliver this service to farmers. However, a lack of public extension workers to reach smallholder farmers with the crop advice they need can be a common problem in many countries.
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What is Integrated Crop Management?

Integrated Crop Management student in the field
Integrated Crop Management (ICM) is a holistic and sustainable approach to farming, focusing on optimizing resources, reducing input costs and promoting long-term soil health. As such, integrated crop management enables farmers to boost crop productivity while minimizing environmental impact. In this blog post, we explore the fundamental principles of Integrated Crop Management and how it…
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PlantwisePlus restarts plant clinics following conflict in Tigray region of Ethiopia

In the Tigray region of Ethiopia, village-based plant clinics have traditionally flourished. Running from 2014 to 2020, with the support of CABI and Ethiopia’s Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), the local government and community embraced the clinics. The regional government even expanded on their services. However, a two-year conflict in Northern Ethiopia interrupted plant clinic operations.…
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Update: New Pest & Disease Records (08 December 2023)

We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this month include the first report of leaf spot on soybean caused by Epicoccum sorghinum in Heilongjiang Province, China and information about three new alien spider mites from south-eastern France.
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