Most read blogs of 2024

Image of Papayas, ready to sell. Our Common Papaya Disorders: A Comprehensive Guide one of our most-read blog posts this year.
As 2024 comes to a close, we’ve tallied the numbers to reveal the most read blogs on the PlantwisePlus Blog this year—plus a few firm favourites! Our most read blogs cover crop pest guides, digital tools, and biocontrols for invasive species, highlighting the impactful work we do with smallholder farmers, policymakers, and communities. Did any…
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Las clínicas de plantas de Bolivia ayudan a formar la próxima generación de asesores agrícolas

Agroindustrial Technological Institute of Tarata students
Los agricultores de Bolivia frecuentemente deben enfrentar los retos impuestos por las condiciones climáticas adversas, el acceso limitado al agua y el ataque de plagas y enfermedades en sus cultivos. Estos problemas se ven agravados por la escasez de mano de obra rural, ya que los jóvenes emigran a las zonas urbanas, dejando menos manos…
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CABI calls for gender equality for rural women in Pakistan 

Every year, Rural Women’s Day is celebrated on 15 October. It recognizes the valuable contributions that women living in rural communities make to agriculture, food security and rural development. In Pakistan, this is important. According to Relief Web, Pakistan’s total female population is over 101 million. However, around 64 million women – more than half…
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Gender equality and youth inclusion: ten focus areas for impact 

women farmers in ghana
UN Women recently published The Gender Snapshot 2024. While the report highlighted some positive developments, no indicator under SDG Goal 5, Gender Equality, has been achieved.   Women comprise around 43% of the agricultural workforce in low- and middle-income countries. However, their responsibilities and capacity are too often diluted by gender inequalities. Breaking down the barriers to women…
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How PlantwisePlus and Grameen Foundation are driving change for women farmers in India 

Attendees of the CABI Academy training with Grameen Foundation and CABI
In India, women farmers play a crucial role in agriculture, contributing significantly to activities like seed production, sowing, weeding, transplanting, threshing, and harvesting. Despite making up a substantial portion of the agricultural workforce, their access to advisory services is limited. Many agricultural services do not cater to their specific needs, resulting in a gap between…
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Empowering women farmers in Ghana: Introducing the gender handbook for extension agents

At 42%, women form a large and important part of the global agricultural work force. In Ghana, this figure is even higher. Here, women make up 52% of the labour force and produce 70% of food crops. However, gender norms and stereotypes often prevent them from fully participating in decision-making on family farms. This impacts…
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Digital tools promotion roadmap created with stakeholders in Kenya’s Nakuru County

Advisor using a tablet while speaking to a farmer
Digital tools can benefit farmers and those in agricultural advisory services. CABI envisions a world in which digital innovation magnifies agricultural and environmental development impact. Through the creation and application of digital technologies, CABI brings science-based agricultural knowledge to millions of smallholder farmers, helping them increase their yields sustainably.
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Empowering women in agriculture: The digital leap in Bangladesh

In the heart of Bangladesh, where agriculture embroiders the vast landscape of rural livelihoods, a digital revolution is quietly unfurling. Although gradual, this change holds the promise of transforming the traditional agricultural practices that have been the backbone of the nation. However, the fulcrum of this transformation—empowering women farmers through digital advisory services—remains a story…
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Plant clinics showcased at Harvest Money Expo in Uganda to help empower the country’s young smallholder farmers

The CABI-led PlantwisePlus programme showcased its plant clinics at the Harvest Money Expo in Uganda to help empower the country’s young smallholder farmers to grow more and lose less to potentially devastating crop pests and diseases. The Harvest Money Expo, organized by the Vision Group in partnership with the Netherlands Embassy in Uganda, attracted over…
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Empowering women farmers with digital tools in India

A woman farmer in India
In India, 59 per cent of women work in agriculture. This workforce is vital to the country’s rural economy, with women performing many of the big farming jobs, such as planting, weeding, tending, and harvesting crops. 
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