The ‘plant’ doctor will see you now

This blog was originally published on Good Food Movement Until five years ago, M. Muthulakshmi, a farmer from Thoppupatti village in Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu, relied heavily on chemicals, including banned antibiotics like streptomycin, for her paddy crop. It was her go-to solution to treat bacterial blight, a deadly disease that affects crop yield. But, this…
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Safer pesticide use: Voluntary standard for agro-dealers launched in China

On December 26, 2024, Sichuan Province launched a significant initiative: the “Establishment Specification for IPM Promotion Pesticide Stores.” Written in collaboration with local partners and PlantwisePlus, including CABI’s Dr Min Wan, this new voluntary standard aims to reform agro-shop operations in China. Starting January 1, 2025, it promotes safer pesticide use aligned with Integrated Pest…
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Invasive apple snail in Kenyan irrigation scheme could potentially spread to more areas 

Experts consider the invasive apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata)  one of the world’s worst invasive alien species. This species is native to South America and invades freshwater systems. It spreads rapidly and is very adaptable to stressful environmental conditions and changes. It also has high reproductive rates and strong defence mechanisms. Additionally, the areas it invades…
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Piloting a CABI crop health advisory chatbot

Chatbot workshop participant
Last year, CABI’s Digital Development team, in coordination with colleagues in Kenya and India, embarked on a journey to pilot an agri-advisory chatbot. This initiative was informed by prior stakeholder engagement activities under the Generative AI for Agriculture Advisory (GAIA) project, where key insights were gathered to ensure generative AI tools meet the needs of…
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Most read blogs of 2024

Image of Papayas, ready to sell. Our Common Papaya Disorders: A Comprehensive Guide one of our most-read blog posts this year.
As 2024 comes to a close, we’ve tallied the numbers to reveal the most read blogs on the PlantwisePlus Blog this year—plus a few firm favourites! Our most read blogs cover crop pest guides, digital tools, and biocontrols for invasive species, highlighting the impactful work we do with smallholder farmers, policymakers, and communities. Did any…
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Empowering agro-dealers: A toolkit for safer and sustainable farming in Uganda 

PlantwisePlus has reached a milestone in relations with the government of Uganda. On 14 November, the programme handed over a training toolkit for a module on lower-risk plant protection products to the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF). A team collaboratively developed the resource to help train Uganda’s agro-dealers. It forms part of…
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How strengthening South Sudan’s plant health system can reduce crop losses

In countries like South Sudan, people feel the effects of climate change with greater intensity. For example, increased crop pest invasions. The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) damages key crops like maize and sorghum. And the papaya mealybug (Paracoccus marginatus) has inflicted extensive damage on crops, leading to a 91% reduction in papaya yields. These factors and…
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Understanding mango mealybug – a significant crop pest

The mango mealybug (Rastrococus invadens) is an invasive pest outside its native home in Southeast Asia. It threatens mango crops, particularly affecting smallholder farmers. This scale insect pest lowers mango yields and quality, and because it’s a quarantine pest, it can also impact trade.
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Bolivia’s plant clinics help train the next generation of agricultural advisors 

Agroindustrial Technological Institute of Tarata students
Este blog también está disponible en español. Farmers in Bolivia face significant challenges, including diverse climate conditions, limited access to water, and crop pests and diseases. These issues are further compounded by rural labour shortages as young people migrate to urban areas, leaving fewer hands to sustain traditional farming practices. Access to agricultural advice and…
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Las clínicas de plantas de Bolivia ayudan a formar la próxima generación de asesores agrícolas

Agroindustrial Technological Institute of Tarata students
Los agricultores de Bolivia frecuentemente deben enfrentar los retos impuestos por las condiciones climáticas adversas, el acceso limitado al agua y el ataque de plagas y enfermedades en sus cultivos. Estos problemas se ven agravados por la escasez de mano de obra rural, ya que los jóvenes emigran a las zonas urbanas, dejando menos manos…
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