Blueprint for change: how a training manual will support pesticide risk reduction in Uganda
In the evolving landscape of pesticide regulation and safety, well-crafted training manuals are indispensable tools. They ensure that people who use pesticides can effectively navigate and implement risk reduction strategies. These knowledge resources can become a blueprint for changing behaviour around pesticides.
CABI delivers training and write-shop on production of extension materials for plant doctors in Namibia
CABI has delivered a four-day training and write-shop on the production of extension materials to support PlantwisePlus plant doctors working to help improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Namibia as well as local and national food security efforts.
Try the PlantwisePlus Factsheet Library app to get crop protection information offline
PlantwisePlus has collaborated with in-country experts to write practical crop protection information, aimed at plant doctors, extension workers and farmers. For quick, free and easy access to this information wherever you are, download the PlantwisePlus Factsheet Library app and get offline access on your mobile device. The app is available for free on Android and…
Workshop reviews progress of Taita Taveta Plant Doctor Network in Kenya
CABI has held a workshop to assess the progress of the Taita Taveta Plant Doctor Network in Kenya – launched to help smallholder farmers grow more and lose less to potentially devastating crop pests and diseases.
Changing behaviour around pesticide use can make farming safer – here’s how
Chemical pesticides can be an important part of a pest management strategy, helping to prevent food losses and waste. Synthetic fungicides, herbicides and insecticides can effectively control pest threats, and this is beneficial for food production. However, pesticides have a downside. They pose a health risk to consumers, farmers, animals and the environment. These risks…