Sheath brown rot of rice caused by P. fuscovaginae has been identified in Korea © IRRI, CC BY-NC-SA
We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this fortnight include the First report of sheath brown rot of rice caused by Pseudomonas fuscovaginae in Korea, postharvest stem-end rot on immature coconut caused by Pestalotiopsis adusta in Brazil and the first report of tomato pith necrosis caused by Pseudomonas cichorii in Tanzania.
Click on the links to view the abstracts:
- First report of Anthracnose on Checkerberry (Gaultheria procumbens L.) caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penzig) Penzig & Saccardo in Japan.
Matsuura, K.; Kanto, T.; Maekawa, K.; Iwamoto, Y.; Aino, M. (2015) Annual Report of the Kansai Plant Protection Society 57: 91-92. - Recombination among begomoviruses on malvaceous plants leads to the evolution of Okra enation leaf curl virus in Pakistan.
Saad Serfraz; Imran Amin; Akhtar, K. P.; Shahid Mansoor (2015) Journal of Phytopathology 163 (9): 764-776. - First report of a Croton yellow vein mosaic virus (CYVMV) associated with tomato leaf curl disease in India.
Khan, M. S.; Tiwari, A. K.; Ji SangHye; Chun SeChul (2015) Journal of Phytopathology 163 (9): 777-779. - Host range of Verticillium isaacii and Verticillium klebahnii from artichoke, spinach, and lettuce.
Gurung, S.; Short, D. P. G.; Hu XiaoPing; Sandoya, G. V.; Hayes, R. J.; Koike, S. T.; Subbarao, K. V. (2015) Plant Disease 99 (7): 933-938. - First report of sheath brown rot of rice caused by Pseudomonas fuscovaginae in Korea.
Kim, J.; Choi, O.; Kim, W. I. (2015) Plant Disease 99 (7): 1033. - First report of tomato pith necrosis caused by Pseudomonas cichorii in Tanzania.
Testen, A. L.; Nahson, J.; Mamiro, D. P.; Miller, S. A. (2015) Plant Disease 99 (7): 1035. - Postharvest stem-end rot on immature coconut caused by Pestalotiopsis adusta in Brazil.
Rosado, A. W. C.; Machado, A. R.; Pereira, O. L. (2015) Plant Disease 99 (7): 1036. - First report of Penicillium expansum causing postharvest decay on stored kiwifruit (Actinidia arguta) in China.
Wang, C. W.; Ai, J.; Lv, H. Y.; Qin, H. Y.; Yang, Y. M.; Liu, Y. X.; Fan, S. T. (2015) Plant Disease 99 (7): 1037. - First report of northern stem canker caused by Diaporthe caulivora in soybean in New York.
Cummings, J. A.; Bergstrom, G. C. (2015) Plant Disease 99 (7): 1039-1040. - First report of Corynespora cassiicola causing leaf and calyx spot on roselle in Mexico.
Ortega-Acosta, S. A.; Hernández-Morales, J.; Ochoa-MartĂnez, D. L.; Ayala-Escobar, V. (2015) Plant Disease 99 (7): 1041.
To view all search results for new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases, click here
If there’s another new record you’d like to highlight, please post a comment.
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