International Day of Plant Health helps highlight CABI’s work to fight devastating crop pests

International Day of Plant Health – recently established by the United Nations and welcomed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) – is a timely reminder of the devastating impact of crop pests, writes Dr Ulli Kuhlmann, PlantwisePlus Programme Executive and Executive Director, Global Operations at CABI.
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Free CABI Academy eLearning courses for extension providers available in Rwanda 

CABI Academy
CABI’s new digital learning platform, the CABI Academy, is now available for free for users in Rwanda.   The digital courses are designed for agricultural extension and advisory service providers. They provide important practical advice and resources to participants to grow their knowledge and provide the best possible advice to farmers.
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How Plantwise plant clinics supported a women-led cottage industry in India

Women preparing biopesticides at a cottage industry.
In 2003, twelve women in Chokkalingam Puddur village started a local biocontrol agent production unit. The Ellya Thendral women self-help group produced and marketed five different types of fungal biopesticides. Their cottage industry received a boost when a Plantwise plant clinic was established in their village. CABI’s Plantwise programme partnered with M S Swaminathan Research…
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Innovation on the ground can be critical for gender integration

Female farmer walks along dirt track holding vegetable crop, Kenya
Gender-based social norms are major barriers to women accessing agricultural extension advice and adopting new practices.  Although women make up 43% of the global agricultural labour force, just how gender-equitable are extension services like Plantwise?
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Plant clinics in Pakistan: a complete package for advisory services for the country’s smallholder farmers

Pakistan plant clinic
The crops of smallholder farmers in Pakistan face numerous risks and health problems. Often, a lack of knowledge on the farmers’ part on how to diagnose crop pests and diseases results in losses of between 30-40% of their key crops. This not only affects productivity and, therefore, food security but also livelihoods.
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Inspiring Women in Science: An interview with Malvika Chaudhary

Women in science, Malvika Chaudhary
Science needs women and girls, but they continue to be overlooked. International Day of Women and Girls in Science aims to inspire women and girls to have greater representation in the field of science.   CABI is proud of the invaluable contribution its own female scientists have made in applying scientific expertise to solve problems in…
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Consumer food safety perceptions, Kenya

Food market, Nairobi
Food safety is essential for food security. It is key to meeting many of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG2 ‘Zero Hunger’, SDG 3 ‘Good health and wellbeing’ and SDG 6 ‘Clean water and sanitation. Safe food is also critical for economic development. Food-borne diseases can keep people from working and prospering and can negatively…
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Booklet Builder on the Plantwise Knowledge Bank

Plantwise Knowledge Bank
The Plantwise Knowledge Bank Booklet Builder helps you build a custom booklet containing Plantwise factsheets and Pest Management Decision Guides of your choice.
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PlantwisePlus most read blogs of 2021

Women looking at tablets and mobile phones
As 2021 draws to a close, we have crunched the numbers and present the most read articles on the PlantwisePlus Blog this year. Plus a few firm favourites. Articles on the launch of PlantwisePlus were some of the most read during 2021, as were those covering the work Plantwise continues to do on the ground…
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Plantwise National Data Centre established in Pakistan

Plant doctor
The plant health information collected through Plantwise plant clinics is a valuable resource. The Department of Plant Protection has set up a new National Data Centre in Karachi to collate clinic data. Plant health partners, stakeholders and other knowledge delivery systems will be able to use this information to make evidence-based decisions that strengthen plant…
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