Plant clinics showcased at Harvest Money Expo in Uganda to help empower the country’s young smallholder farmers

The CABI-led PlantwisePlus programme showcased its plant clinics at the Harvest Money Expo in Uganda to help empower the country’s young smallholder farmers to grow more and lose less to potentially devastating crop pests and diseases. The Harvest Money Expo, organized by the Vision Group in partnership with the Netherlands Embassy in Uganda, attracted over…
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Can Uganda’s agro-dealers become champions of sustainable pest control?

The global surge in pesticide use has helped to increase agricultural productivity. However, it has also raised alarms about the risks they pose to health and the environment. In many low- and middle-income countries, agro-input dealers (commonly called agro-dealers) play a central role in supplying farmers with inputs such as fungicides, herbicides and insecticides. They…
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Empowering women farmers with digital tools in India

A woman farmer in India
In India, 59 per cent of women work in agriculture. This workforce is vital to the country’s rural economy, with women performing many of the big farming jobs, such as planting, weeding, tending, and harvesting crops. 
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PlantwisePlus delivers plant health ‘training of trainers’ in South Sudan 

South Sudan’s agricultural sector is vital to its economy and employs most of the population. The FAO estimates that up to 95% of South Sudan relies on agriculture for income. Diverse crops like cassava, maize, groundnut and sorghum characterize farming here. However, agriculture in this East African nation faces challenges. Climate change and global warming,…
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Plantwise programme made considerable progress to help strengthen plant health systems in Burundi

A farmer advisor with a tablet talking to a farmer
The CABI-led Plantwise programme made considerable progress to help strengthen plant health systems, livelihoods, and food security in Burundi, according to the end evaluation report published by the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) based in The Netherlands.
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What is Integrated Crop Management?

Integrated Crop Management student in the field
Integrated Crop Management (ICM) is a holistic and sustainable approach to farming, focusing on optimizing resources, reducing input costs and promoting long-term soil health. As such, integrated crop management enables farmers to boost crop productivity while minimizing environmental impact. In this blog post, we explore the fundamental principles of Integrated Crop Management and how it…
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How a tiny wasp can save the livelihoods of papaya farmers

“We have a problem with the attack of mealybugs, which are becoming a menace to the production of papayas. I fight them, but they are also fighting back.” Ben is a farmer in Machakos County, Kenya, east of the nation’s capital, Nairobi.
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National Forum stresses importance of partnerships to strengthen Bangladesh’s plant health systems

The CABI-led PlantwisePlus National Forum held at the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) in Bangladesh has stressed the importance of partnerships to help strengthen the country’s plant health systems.
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Strengthening Bangladesh’s pest preparedness and management system

attendees of the pest preparedness meeting in Bangladesh
In a landmark initiative, CABI hosted a pivotal stakeholder workshop dedicated to “Strengthening the System for Pest Preparedness and Management in Bangladesh.” The workshop had two primary objectives. Firstly, to validate findings from a national pest management exercise. Secondly, to develop a roadmap to fortify Bangladesh’s pest preparedness and management system through the collaborative commitment…
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The uptake of digital tools in Nepal discussed at workshop

digital tools workshop in Nepal
Digital tools are increasingly being adopted in agriculture in Nepal, fostering productivity, efficiency, and sustainability. Whether mobile apps, farm management software, weather forecasting, remote sensing, GIS, or e-extension, these tools empower farmers with crucial information and services. As such, the digitization of farming gives farmers the opportunity to grow more, reduce costs and improve food…
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