The National Forum meeting, a key event in the Nepal PlantwisePlus calendar, recently took place in Kathmandu. It was an opportunity for participants to hear the latest plant clinic activities and aimed to strengthen plant clinic operations nationwide.
Nepal National Forum stakeholders
The event was held at the SPS Hall of Plant Quarantine and Pesticide Management Centre (PQPMC). The meeting, chaired by Ms Sabitri Baral, Chief of PQPMC and head of the National Plant Protection Organization Nepal, was graced by Dr Hari Bahadur K C, Director General of the Department of Agriculture (DoA). Representatives from Bagamati, Koshi, Karnali, and Lumbini provinces, along with other plant clinic operations stakeholders in Nepal, came together to discuss strategies and initiatives to enhance Nepal’s plant health management system. Seven female participants representing provinces, PQPMC, private organizations, and farmer associations attended the meeting.
The meeting commenced with presentations by provincial authorities, who provided insights into the status of plant clinics in their respective provinces. Each presentation shed light on the challenges and opportunities faced in delivering plant clinic services and underscored the importance of stakeholder collaboration and coordination.
PlantwisePlus digital tools
Dr Mahesh H M, Crop Health Advisor and CABI country coordinator for Nepal set the agenda for the year ahead by outlining the activities planned for Nepal in 2024. Dr. Malvika Chaudhary, PlantwisePlus Global Team Leader, Digital Product Usage, provided detailed information on various digital decision-support tools developed by CABI. These included the PlantwisePlus Toolkit, PlantwisePlus Knowledge Bank, CABI BioProtection Portal, Crop Sprayer app, Crop App Index, CABI Academy, and PRISE.
These tools were highlighted for their potential benefits in enhancing plant health management and agricultural productivity through sound agro-advisory services. Dr. Debraj Adhikari, Senior Plant Protection Officer, PQPMC, emphasized the importance of the Plantwise Online Management System (POMS) and the need for effective plant clinic data management. Dr Vinod Pandit, Regional Director of the CABI centre in South Asia, stressed the importance of creating a comprehensive pest database and emphasized the need for streamlined data to support effective decision-making in plant health management.
Nepal plant clinic activities
In his chief guest remarks, Dr Hari Bahadur K C, Director General, Department of Agriculture, commended CABI’s efforts in streamlining plant clinic activities through a guidance document and solicited continued support for backstopping activities post-approval. He also stressed the significance of pest data consolidation on a single platform and urged stakeholders to upload data to POMS. The meeting was a platform to discuss and strategize the utilization of these digital tools for the overall benefit of communities.
Nepal National Forum highlights partnerships
The meeting concluded with closing remarks by Ms Sabitri Baral, Chief of PQPMC, who underscored the importance of coordination between PQPMC and provincial governments for the success of plant clinic operations and efficient data management. Her remarks encapsulated the spirit of collaboration and collective effort needed to advance plant health management systems in Nepal.
In summary, the Nepal National Forum 2024 was not just a discussion but a catalyst for action. It served as a platform for stakeholders to exchange ideas, share experiences, and, most importantly, chart a course for collaborative action. The meeting set a clear direction for strengthening plant clinic operations and ensuring the resilience of Nepal’s agricultural sector. With concerted efforts and strategic partnerships, Nepal is now on the path to achieving greater heights in plant health management and agricultural development.
PlantwisePlus gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS), Netherlands; European Commission Directorate General for International Partnerships (INTPA, EU); the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), United Kingdom; and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Lead author: Mr Madhav Bhatta, Plant Protection Officer, PQPMC, Nepal
Author: Dr Debraj Adhikari, Senior Plant Protection Officer, PQPMC, Nepal
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