Strengthening Bangladesh’s pest preparedness and management system

attendees of the pest preparedness meeting in Bangladesh
In a landmark initiative, CABI hosted a pivotal stakeholder workshop dedicated to “Strengthening the System for Pest Preparedness and Management in Bangladesh.” The workshop had two primary objectives. Firstly, to validate findings from a national pest management exercise. Secondly, to develop a roadmap to fortify Bangladesh’s pest preparedness and management system through the collaborative commitment…
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The uptake of digital tools in Nepal discussed at workshop

digital tools workshop in Nepal
Digital tools are increasingly being adopted in agriculture in Nepal, fostering productivity, efficiency, and sustainability. Whether mobile apps, farm management software, weather forecasting, remote sensing, GIS, or e-extension, these tools empower farmers with crucial information and services. As such, the digitization of farming gives farmers the opportunity to grow more, reduce costs and improve food…
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How climate smart agriculture can lead to ‘triple wins’ for farmers threatened by climate change

Global food consumption is predicted to increase by 51% by 2050. This is a profound challenge for our agrifood systems, which will only be made harder by the increased pressures of climate change on food security. In addition, agriculture is not just impacted by climate change; it is also a significant source of the greenhouse…
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CABI partners with Kisii County and MESPT to train farmers on good agricultural practices in Kenya

CABI, Kisii County Government and the Micro Enterprise Support Programme Trust (MESPT), has trained farmers on good sustainable agricultural practices to address challenges facing the banana sector which is a key cash crop for smallholder farmers.
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PlantwisePlus restarts plant clinics following conflict in Tigray region of Ethiopia

In the Tigray region of Ethiopia, village-based plant clinics have traditionally flourished. Running from 2014 to 2020, with the support of CABI and Ethiopia’s Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), the local government and community embraced the clinics. The regional government even expanded on their services. However, a two-year conflict in Northern Ethiopia interrupted plant clinic operations.…
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Fifth PlantwisePlus National Forum vows to address challenges of food security in Pakistan

Last month, CABI in Pakistan conducted the 5th PlantwisePlus National Forum Meeting. The forum, with the national and provincial agriculture departments, aims to improve Pakistan’s food security through CABI’s flagship PlantwisePlus programme.
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Digital advisory tools: reaching last-mile users in India

Minister of Agriculture, Andhra Pradesh, opening CABI's stand at Ag Tech 2023
PlantwisePlus presented its suite of digital advisory tools to end users at the recent AgTech 2023 conference in Andhra Pradesh, India. The PlantwisePlus digital tools are helping improve knowledge and uptake of integrated pest management (IPM) practices. As such, they align with Andhra Pradesh’s Natural Farming Initiative, which promotes the use of agricultural approaches that are in harmony with nature.  
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Mealy Plum Aphid: An Overview

Mealy plum aphids on Prunus sp. (Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,
The mealy plum aphid, or reed aphid, is a sap-sucking plant pest that is commercially important for fruit tree farmers. It is present across the globe and can cause significant damage in large numbers. Introduction Aphids are small, soft-bodied, sap-sucking bugs in the family Aphididae which cause extensive damage to plants when in large numbers.…
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Soil health: why it’s important and how to protect it

Close up of cracked soil
This blog was originally uploaded on the CABI BioProtection Portal Soil is the foundation of agriculture and sustains life on earth by providing nutrients, clean air and water. Human activities can damage soil health and, therefore, impact entire ecosystems. Sustainable farming and gardening practices like biological crop protection and Integrated Pest Management, however, protect and…
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Empowering tomorrow’s entomologists through CABI Academy

Department of Entomology at Bangladesh Agricultural University
This November, the Department of Entomology at Bangladesh Agricultural University marked a significant milestone. Sixty master’s students, guided by the esteemed Professor Dr. Mohammad Shaef Ullah, completed the CABI Academy online course ‘Introduction to Bioprotection Products‘. 
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