Spotlight: The team behind the PlantwisePlus Digital Tools

PlantwisePlus Digital Tools: The PlantwisePlus programme is working to increase access to digital decision support tools and information. These can support farmers and extension workers to make more informed decisions in crop health management. The delivery of these advisory tools across the programme’s member countries is improving the capacity of public and private stakeholders to…
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Crop App Index: search over 800 plant-health apps

The Crop App Index website helps users to find the plant-health apps and websites they need to answer their crop pest and disease questions. CABI recently added a further 250 websites and apps to the search tool. It now features over 800 different plant-health-related platforms to support decision-making.
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PlantwisePlus boosts crop health in Bangladesh

A rice farmer in central Bangladesh
Crop health in Bangladesh has never been more important. The FAO states that the agricultural sector employs almost 50% of Bangladesh’s population. And more than 70% of the country’s land is dedicated to growing crops.
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Simulation app for improved plant-health diagnosis skills

Crop Pest Simulator App
CABI’s simulation app Pest Diagnostic Simulator allows users to test their plant pest and disease investigation and diagnosis skills through multiple scenarios, reinforcing investigation and diagnosis skills through engaging gameplay and real-time feedback. 
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Webinar: Ozone pollution’s threat to tropical agriculture

ozone damage on bean leaf
Ground-level ozone is one of the most widespread pollutants in the world. Although ozone in the upper atmosphere provides essential protection from the sun’s harmful rays, at ground-level it has a number of harmful effects. Ground-level ozone pollution contributes to climate change, impairs human health and damages vegetation. 
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How to diagnose a pest problem using the diagnostic tool

Diagnose a fall armyworm pest problem
The Plantwise Knowledge Bank brings together plant health information from across the world. It includes a diagnostic tool, factsheet library, pesticide lists and pest alerts. For those seeking to diagnose a pest problem, the Plantwise Knowledge Bank’s Pest Diagnostic Tool is particularly useful, providing information to help identify the symptoms observed on a crop.
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Digital sustainability: Plantwise tools supporting smallholder farmers

Plant doctor in Malawi using a tablet to share information with a farmer
Digitalisation is a globally occurring process of converting information and systems into a digital form. This shift in the way we use technology to support our lives is due to the improved technologies which allow us to be more strategic, time and cost efficient, reach more people easily and improve commercial properties. Much of the…
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Reducing post-harvest losses without the use of chemical treatments

From recent FAO studies, it has been found that over half of the world’s fruit and vegetables are lost due to post-harvest storage losses as a result of pests, diseases and incorrect storage conditions. In a climate where food consumption is at its highest, with many regions of the world suffering from a lack of…
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