4 mango disorders that can affect yields

Having been cultivated for centuries, mango is an important crop throughout tropical regions globally. A wide range of fresh mango cultivars are now consumed worldwide and are available all year round, making it a valuable commodity. In 2020, the global export of mangoes, guavas and mangosteens rose to approximately 2.2 million tonnes.
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Assessing gender and rural advisory services in Ghana

women's farmer group meeting in rural Ghana
In Ghana, as in many other developing countries, women face challenges in accessing extension advisory services. Most services are geared to the needs of male farmers. On top of other challenges faced by women farmers, this lack of access only extends the gender gap in agricultural productivity in the global South.
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Mass rearing training strengthens papaya mealybug biocontrol programme in Kenya

Farmer field in Kwale County, during Biocontrol training in Kenya
PlantwisePlus has been working in collaboration with partners in Kenya to implement a classical biological control strategy to manage papaya mealybug (Paracoccus marginatus). The invasive pest has been devastating papaya crops in Kenya. A CABI study in 2019 found it caused an estimated 57% yield losses across five counties.
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International Day of Plant Health helps highlight CABI’s work to fight devastating crop pests

International Day of Plant Health – recently established by the United Nations and welcomed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) – is a timely reminder of the devastating impact of crop pests, writes Dr Ulli Kuhlmann, PlantwisePlus Programme Executive and Executive Director, Global Operations at CABI.
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How Plantwise plant clinics supported a women-led cottage industry in India

Women preparing biopesticides at a cottage industry.
In 2003, twelve women in Chokkalingam Puddur village started a local biocontrol agent production unit. The Ellya Thendral women self-help group produced and marketed five different types of fungal biopesticides. Their cottage industry received a boost when a Plantwise plant clinic was established in their village. CABI’s Plantwise programme partnered with M S Swaminathan Research…
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Innovation on the ground can be critical for gender integration

Female farmer walks along dirt track holding vegetable crop, Kenya
Gender-based social norms are major barriers to women accessing agricultural extension advice and adopting new practices.  Although women make up 43% of the global agricultural labour force, just how gender-equitable are extension services like Plantwise?
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Test your plant health knowledge

Chinyunyu Plant Clinic in Rufunsa district, Zambia.
>> Latest quiz just added. Plantwise plant doctors are at the heart of our plant clinic network providing advice and information to farmers, logging their data for the Plantwise Knowledge Bank, and always adapting to new outbreaks and technologies. Think you’ve got what it takes to be a plant doctor? Take our online plant health…
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Test your plant health knowledge

Chinyunyu Plant Clinic in Rufunsa district, Zambia.
Plantwise plant doctors are at the heart of our plant clinic network providing advice and information to farmers, logging their data for the Plantwise Knowledge Bank, and always adapting to new outbreaks and technologies. Think you’ve got what it takes to be a plant doctor? Take our online plant health quiz and find out!
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Test your plant health knowledge

Chinyunyu Plant Clinic in Rufunsa district, Zambia.
>> Latest quiz just added Plantwise plant doctors are at the heart of our plant clinic network providing advice and information to farmers, logging their data for the Plantwise Knowledge Bank, and always adapting to new outbreaks and technologies. Think you’ve got what it takes to be a plant doctor? Take our online plant health…
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Plantwise Blog Most Read 2020

Digital toolkit
As 2020 draws to a close, we have crunched the numbers and present the most read articles on the Plantwise Blog this year. Plus a few firm favourites. Articles on the use of digital technology proved popular this year, not only with how Plantwise work on the ground had to change due to the global…
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