New study highlights positive impact of PlantwisePlus in Ghana on gender-inclusive agricultural extension services

Women farmer in Ghana Gender –a target of inclusive agricultural extension services.
A new study brief shares key findings on gender-inclusive agricultural extension services in Ghana by PlantwisePlus.
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How plant doctor training supports smallholder farmers in Nepal

In Nepal, the International Development Enterprise (iDE) has introduced an approach to address the challenges smallholder farmers face in accessing agricultural inputs and advice. Known as Community Business Facilitators (CBFs), these individuals are local citizens trained to provide agricultural services within their communities. Some CBFs also train as plant doctors (CBF-PDs) through CABI’s PlantwisePlus programme,…
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Empowering smallholder farmers in Kenya to produce sustainable safe food

Market Kenya
Smallholder farmers play a vital role in feeding communities around the world. In Kenya, the CABI-led PlantwisePlus programme is making significant strides to enable these farmers to grow safe and high-quality foods through sustainable crop production.
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PlantwisePlus supports smallholder farmers in Taita Taveta County, Kenya, with better banana agronomy

The CABI-led PlantwisePlus programme has been supporting smallholder farmers in Taita Taveta County, Kenya, with training on better banana agronomy which can help them increase their livelihoods, crop yields and food security.
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Launch of PlantwisePlus in Bangladesh to help increase climate-smart approach to plant health and food security

PlantwisePlus Bangladesh
The launch of the CABI-led PlantwisePlus programme in Bangladesh will build on the success of the Plantwise programme to provide knowledge and tools to help Bangladesh predict, prevent, and prepare for plant health threats and reduce crop losses. The programme will ensure farmers not only produce more food but also improve its quality. This will…
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Workshop helps prepare survey to assess food safety practices in Bangladesh

CABI, as part of its work under the global PlantwisePlus programme, has joined forces with a range of partners to deliver a consumer food safety workshop ahead of a survey to assess food safety practices in Bangladesh. CABI joined colleagues, from the Department of Agriculture and Extension (DAE), Plant Quarantine Wing (PQW), Bangladesh Food Safety…
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Empowering Nepalese students with CABI digital platforms: Exploring the PlantwisePlus Toolkit

Gaurav Thakur, a student of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, writes here about CABI’s presentation of its digital platforms for plant protection and other agricultural applications.
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Why we need a skills framework for agriculture 

Extension worker in Jamaica
Agriculture has changed dramatically over the last 50 years. Technological progress and scientific research are constantly reshaping the roles within agriculture and the skills required to do them. As such, it is essential to have a well-defined skills framework to guide the workforce. The Skills for Agriculture (SfA) is a structured approach to identifying, developing, and…
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Training Kenya’s young farmers and women to help ensure greater food security

The theme for this year’s United Nations World Youth Skills Day was ‘Skilling teachers, trainers and youth for a transformative future.’
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PlantwisePlus India: challenges and opportunities

PlantwisePlus India stakeholder meeting
Agriculture forms the backbone of India’s economy, employing nearly 44% of the workforce. However, farmers in the country face many challenges, not only pests and diseases, which destroy up to 40% of crops. Outbreaks, such as the locust swarms of 2020 and, more recently taro caterpillar in Madhya Pradesh, can affect food security, national security and human health.
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