Sri Lankan plant doctors launch e-plant clinics

24 June marked the launch of the first e-plant clinics pilot in Sri Lanka. Experienced plant doctors from ten plant clinics in Nuwara Eliya district came together to learn how tablet computers could enhance the current Permanent Crop Clinic Programme (PCCP) led by the Plant Protection Service, Department of Agriculture. Plant doctors learnt: how electronic data collection…
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A Leap from an ‘Analogue’ to a Digital Platform: The Story of Kenyan Plant Doctors

A blog written by Willis Ochilo The stage is set and all the participants are sitting. Beneath the veneer of silence that pervades the workshop room are deep-seated fears. And it does not take long for the same to come out to the fore. The setting is in Maanzoni Lodge in Machakos County. Here, the…
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Factsheet of the month: July 2015 – Prevention of powdery mildew on mango using cultural methods

The use of pesticides in Ethiopia has been increasing in recent years but it is thought that due to a lack of training and awareness, these chemicals are often being used unsafely and excessively. Many groups in Ethiopia are therefore raising awareness of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in which control methods are selected based on…
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Honduras- Jornada de salud de plantas en Belén, Ocotepeque

Texto escribido por Carlos Barrera, Coordinador de distrito y Doctor de plantas (SENASA Honduras). English summary follows La organización ALDEAS GLOBALES, en el municipio de Belén, Ocotepeque, está apoyando en coordinación con el Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (SENASA)  y el Centro Internacional de Bio ciencias Agrícolas (CABI), la iniciativa PLANTWISE, atendiendo la Clínica para…
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Factsheet of the month: June 2015 – Conservation of natural enemies

Friday May 22nd was 2015’s International Day for Biological Diversity.  This year’s theme was ‘Biodiversity for Sustainable Development’ which reflected the importance of biodiversity in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Biodiversity is key in agriculture and it both promotes and is promoted by sustainable methods. Farmers rely on a range of different species for the success of their…
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Working together for Plantwise in South and West Asia

Representatives for agricultural development from South and West Asia came together for a two-day conference in Bhurban, Pakistan in April to discuss country plans for Plantwise activities. Decision-makers from countries including India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and UK, met to share ideas and knowledge of their plant health systems.
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Mango production in Bangladesh

According to the Daily Star, mango production in Rajshahi and Chapainawabganj districts in Bangladesh might be hampered by unfavourable weather this year. The farmers are worried as large numbers of fruits, up to 70%, fell from the trees before ripening. Following the attack by leaf hoppers earlier in March, mango trees in that area are…
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Factsheet of the month: May 2015 – Tolerant bean varieties against stem maggots

The saying “prevention is better than cure” is no more true than when applied to agriculture. Taking precautionary measures against common pests can increase farmer income by investing a small amount of money into minimising crop losses, ensuring a high yield. Preventative measures can include correct land preparation, physical barriers, field hygiene and cultivation of tolerant…
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Atenciones en Clínicas de Plantas y asistencias a los agricultores en la Amazonía Peruana

Texto escribido por Martha Passador y Javier Franco. English summary follows El éxito de una clínica de plantas se puede evaluar por la cantidad de productores que buscan este servicio. Algunos traen sus muestras, o solamente conversan con los doctores de plantas. En determinadas regiones, hay cultivos y problemas agrícolas que son comunes para todos.…
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Infographic: Plantwise progress in Malawi

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