Bringing technical support to isolated ethnic groups in the Mosquitia region of Honduras
By Eduardo Hidalgo, Project Scientist, CABI South America The Mosquitia is a territory of 16,997 km², located on the Caribbean coast of Honduras and inhabited mainly by the indigenous Miskito, Tawahka, Pech, and Garífuna ethnic groups. Of the 100,000 inhabitants, 36% are Miskitos who depend mainly on agriculture and fishing. The Mosquitia is one of…
Llevando apoyo técnico a las etnias aisladas de la Mosquitia, Honduras
Por Eduardo Hidalgo La Mosquitia es un territorio de 16.997 km², ubicado en la costa del Caribe de Honduras y habitado principalmente por las etnias indígenas misquita, tawahka, pech y garífuna. La población es de 100,000 habitantes de los cuales el 36% son misquitos y sus principales actividades son la agricultura y la pesca. La…
How plant clinics are reaching female farmers in Honduras
Written by Eduardo Hidalgo and José Gómez The Plantwise programme supports local implementing organizations in their efforts to mainstream gender equality in their activities. The Plantwise steering committee in Honduras invited Olinda Rubio (Chief of Communications at the Ministry of Agriculture [SAG-SENASA] and gender expert), to join the team and lead the in-country Plantwise gender strategy, which focuses on ensuring…
Honduras- Jornada de salud de plantas en Belén, Ocotepeque
Texto escribido por Carlos Barrera, Coordinador de distrito y Doctor de plantas (SENASA Honduras). English summary follows La organización ALDEAS GLOBALES, en el municipio de Belén, Ocotepeque, está apoyando en coordinación con el Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (SENASA) y el Centro Internacional de Bio ciencias Agrícolas (CABI), la iniciativa PLANTWISE, atendiendo la Clínica para…
Update: Plant Health News (04 Jun 14)
Here’s a taste of some of the latest stories about plant health, including the discovery of a microbe that could help control rice blast, concern over the effects of erratic rainfall on crops in Somalia and the discovery of a gene encoding resistance to stem and fruit rot of pepper. Click on the link to read more…
What CABI Is Doing To Tackle Major Coffee Rust Outbreaks In Central America
Guatemala has declared a state of agricultural emergency after coffee rust fungus has affected approximately 193,000ha of coffee, equating to 70% of the national crop. As a result of the outbreak, Guatemala is releasing $13.7m (£8.7m) in emergency aid to help farmers buy pesticides and to inform farmers on ways to manage the disease. Honduras…