What are bioprotection products, and how do they work?
Bioprotection products are nature-based solutions to managing crop pests and diseases. More and more growers are turning to environmentally sustainable crop pest and disease management solutions, such as bioprotection products. Reasons for choosing more sustainable solutions include pest and disease resistance to chemical pesticides and concerns for human health and the environment.
New bioprotection course paves the way for a more sustainable agricultural landscape
CABI Academy‘s latest course, Introduction to Bioprotection Products, enables agricultural service providers to equip themselves with the knowledge and skills to support smallholder farmers using bioprotection products. Bioprotection, also known as biocontrol, is a more sustainable approach to pest management. Unlike conventional chemical pesticides, bioprotection products are derived from natural sources, making them a safer…
Pesticides in tea: How can we manage tea pests more naturally, avoiding harmful chemicals?
On International Tea Day, we look at how we can reduce pesticides in tea. Tea is the second most widely consumed beverage in the world, after water. It’s estimated that people drink around three billion cups every day. But tea plantations are under threat from pests, and farmers must find effective ways to stop them.…
Selecting the right biopesticide or biocontrol product for your needs
This article was originally published on the CABI BioProtection Portal blog. Visit the original blog post here. Choosing a biopesticide or biocontrol product for managing a pest is about asking the right questions. Below we have compiled a simple list that will help you make the right choice, with the CABI BioProtection Portal to support and guide you.
Bio-protection roadshow promotes low-risk plant protection products in Pakistan
Agriculture continues to face new and complex challenges. Not only do these affect agricultural production, but also basic and applied agricultural research and education. One key area of concern is the increasing threat from plant pests and diseases, made worse by climate change and environmental degradation. Farmers often turn to chemical pesticides to protect their…