Here’s a taste of some of the latest stories about plant health, including the development of shock treatments for weeds, plans to monitor pesticide residues in Nepal and the development of enset varieties resistant to bacterial wilt disease in Ethiopia.
Click on the link to read more of the latest plant health news!
- Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2014
Biodiversity international, 28th January 2014 - Africa: Global Easy Water Project Joins Business Call to Action By Providing Low-Cost Irrigation Systems for Rural Farmers
AllAfrica News: Food and Agriculture, 27th January 2014 - Common crop pesticides kill honeybee larvae in the hive
EurekAlert, 27th January 2014 - U-Michigan ecologists: No magic bullet for coffee rust eradication
EurekAlert, 22nd January 2014 - Scientists to create disease-resistant Ethiopian enset
IAPPS, 22nd January 2014 - Disease Resistant Bean Varieties Increase African Farmers’ Income
Crop Biotech Update, 22nd January 2014 - Iowa State University researchers sequence genome of a soybean fungus responsible for sudden death syndrome in soybeans
SeedQuest, 21st January 2014 - Panama: New plantain varieties
Fresh Plaza, 20th January 2014 - Shock treatment for weeds that resist chemical control
Farmers weekly, 20th January 2014 - Nepal Agricultural Research Council plans to monitor pesticide residue level
The Himalayan Times, 18th January 2014
See more plant health news on the Plantwise Knowledge Bank.
If there’s another news story you’d like to highlight, please post a comment below.
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