PlantwisePlus Blog

Ug99 stem rust on wheat

Ug99 stem rust on wheat © CIMMYT

Here’s a video with some great animation of how wheat stem rust spreads, and how highly virulent strains develop. To find out more about wheat rust, visit the Borlaug Global Rust Initiative website.[youtube=]

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  1. dengephil on 17th November 2012 at 9:47 AM

    It is surprising to learn that the link between Berberis and Black stem rust was made decades before the understanding that disease is caused by a separate organism living off the host. The Americans began tearing out Berberis in the 1750’s because they were aware that it somehow affected the wheat crop whereas the understanding of disease being caused by a separate organism is not emerge until the 1860’s

  2. rohini vilhekar on 5th March 2014 at 5:19 AM

    earlier i am exactly understand life cycle of rust but after watching video my concept get clear thank you

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