We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this fortnight include a North American leafminer invading Italian vineyards, a new fungal disease on blueberry in Argentina, a new species of nematode in Iranian banana plantations, and three new races of Bremia lactucae on lettuce that are unique to Australia.

The leafminer, Antispila oinophylla, and the damage it does to grapevine leaves © Erik van Nieukerken et al (CC BY 3.0 license)
Click on the links to view the abstracts:
- A field study on the host status of different crops for Meloidogyne minor and its damage potential on potatoes.
Thoden, T. C.; Korthals, G. W.; Visser, J.; Gastel-Topper, W. van (2012) Nematology 14 (3) 277-284. - New races of Bremia lactucae on lettuce in Australia.
Trimboli, D. S.; Nieuwenhuis, J. (2011) Australasian Plant Disease Notes 6 (1) 62-63. - Antispila oinophylla new species (Lepidoptera, Heliozelidae), a new North American grapevine leafminer invading Italian vineyards: taxonomy, DNA barcodes and life cycle.
Nieukerken, E. J. van; Wagner, D. L.; Baldessari, M.; Mazzon, L.; Angeli, G.; Girolami, V.; Duso, C.; Doorenweerd, C. (2012) ZooKeys 170, 29-77. - Neofusicoccum parvum, blueberry pathogen in Argentina.
Wright, E. R.; Mandolesi, A.; Rivera, M. C.; Pérez, B. A.; Mezzetti, B.; Brás de Oliveira, P. (2012) Acta Horticulturae 926, 619-623. - Confirmation of the presence of the Citrus leprosis virus c (CiLV-C) in Southern Mexico.
Izquierdo Castillo, I.; Zermeño Diaz, L. F.; Mendez, W.; Otero-Colina, G.; Freitas-Astúa, J.; Locali-Fabris, E. C.; Moraes, G. J. de; Calegario, R. F.; Tassi, A. D.; Kitajima, E. W. (2011) Tropical Plant Pathology 36 (6) 400-403. - First report of Groundnut Bud Necrosis Virus infecting Taro (Colocasia esculenta).
Sivaprasad, Y.; Reddy, B. V. B.; Kumar, C. V. M. N.; Reddy, K. R.; Gopal, D. V. R. S. (2011) Australasian Plant Disease Notes 6 (1) 30-32. - Description of Tylenchulus musicola sp. n. (Nematoda: Tylenchulidae) from banana in Iran with molecular phylogeny and characterisation of species of Tylenchulus Cobb, 1913.
Maafi, Z. T.; Amani, M.; Stanley, J. D.; Inserra, R. N.; Berg, E. van den; Subbotin, S. A. (2012) Nematology 14 (3) 353-369. - First report of fig mosaic virus infecting common fig (Ficus carica) in Japan.
Ishikawa, K.; Maejima, K.; Nagashima, S.; Sawamura, N.; Takinami, Y.; Komatsu, K.; Hashimoto, M.; Yamaji, Y.; Yamamoto, J.; Namba, S. (2012) Journal of General Plant Pathology 78 (2) 136-139. - Characterization and identification of a potyvirus causing mosaic disease of Cucurbita moschata Duch ex. Poir in Calabar, south east Nigeria.
Owolabi, A. T.; Rabenstein, F.; Taiwo, M. A.; Ehrigh, F.; Maiss, E. (2011) International Journal of Plant Pathology 2 (4) 165-176. - First report of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae causing kiwifruit bacterial canker in New Zealand.
Everett, K. R.; Taylor, R. K.; Romberg, M. K.; Rees-George, J.; Fullerton, R. A.; Vanneste, J. L.; Manning, M. A. (2011) Australasian Plant Disease Notes 6 (1) 67-71.
To view all search results for new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases, click here (>30,000 results)
If there’s another new record you’d like to highlight, please post a comment.
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