Successful on-farm trials using Metarhizium rileyi in Zambia

The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) has wreaked havoc on Zambia’s agriculture, devastating smallholder farmers with staggering losses. But amidst the struggle, a promising solution emerges. Through activities on the PlantwisePlus programme and the Village-based biocontrol of fall armyworm in Zambia project, funded by ACIAR, CABI has delved into combating this agricultural menace with various biological…
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4 pests and diseases of maize

Maize is an important crop, grown by smallholder farmers around the world. It is a staple food in the diets of millions and is vital for food and economic security. However, there are a number of pests and diseases that attack maize and limit yields. Below we outline four pests and diseases of maize and…
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Spotting and managing Spodoptera armyworms

African armyworm
Armyworms are the larvae of Spodoptera moths. There are over 30 different species of Spodoptera, which are found all over the world. Although structurally the same, there are differences between species in colour, host plants and geographical distribution.
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Conservation farming: can it offset fall armyworm’s impact?

Fall armyworm
Conservation farming has been promoted in sub-Saharan Africa as a way to potentially improve yields while conserving the environment. Farmer livelihoods are increasingly threatened by climate change, declining soil fertility, land degradation, pests, and diseases. Finding sustainable farming methods that address these challenges is key to feeding a growing population.
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PlantwisePlus: detecting and responding to plant health threats

Dr Ivan Rwomushana
Invasive species specialist Dr Ivan Rwomushana is one of the Global Team Leaders for CABI’s new global PlantwisePlus programme. His role within the programme is to strengthen decision support systems for the detection and response to pest outbreaks and plant health threats.
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Webinar discusses sustainable management of fall armyworm

Webinar to discuss fall armyworm
A webinar was hosted by the Department of Agriculture Production and Farmers Welfare, Jammu and CABI to promote the sustainable management of Fall armyworm (spodoptera frugiperda). The informative webinar explored how this invasive pest can be monitored and managed in the maize growing regions of Jammu, Northern India.
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Joint forces against highly invasive Fall Armyworm Pest

Reblogged from plantix. PEAT, CABI and ICRISAT launch the first live tracking tool for Fall Armyworm (FAW) in India. The Fall Armyworm is a very invasive pest which is highly destructive to more than 80 plant species. The pest is native to America and has conquered the African continent in 2016. Since then, it has…
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The Life Cycle of Fall Armyworm

The Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, is a major invasive pest in Africa. It has a voracious appetite and feeds on more than 80 plant species, including maize, rice, sorghum and sugarcane. Another feature which makes it an incredibly successful invasive species is its ability to spread and reproduce quickly. CABI have developed a poster to…
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CABI leads rapid identification of Fall Armyworm

Identifying armyworms usually involves taking the larvae that have caused the damage, waiting for them to develop in to adults and then studying the body and markings of these adults to identify the species collected. This process causes delays to identification, and could therefore delay action for what are some of the most ravaging crop…
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