CABI helps Kenyan farmers combat invasive apple snail

invasive apple snail eggs
In 2019, Kenyan farmers first started reporting instances of the invasive apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) infesting rice paddy nurseries. Thanks to speedy action by the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) and the Ministry of Agriculture, intervention actions were rolled out across the country. Importantly, these interventions spread awareness of the new invasive pest and…
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Taro caterpillar outbreak in central India

The Taro caterpillar (Spodoptera litura), is a pest of many crops across Asia and Oceania. This species is generally well-controlled by natural enemies. Therefore, outbreaks in India’s Madhya Pradesh over the past two years are particularly notable.
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The continuing struggle for onion farmers in the Philippines

Since mid-2022, the price of the humble red onion has been increasing in the Philippines. In December of last year, the price surged to around 700 pesos ($12.80; £10.40) per kilogram. Making onions more expensive than the equivalent amount of beef for Filipinos. A staple of Philippine cooking, the country consumes approximately 17,000 metric tons…
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CABI facilitates Pest Risk Assessment writeshop in Nepal

PRA participants Nepal
Last month, CABI delivered technical support in a two-day pest risk assessment writeshop for plant quarantine officers in Kathmandu, Nepal. The Plant Quarantine and Pesticide Management Centre (PQPMC) which serves as National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) of Nepal organized the writeshop.
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East Africa’s bean industry adapts to climate change

bean industry adapts to climate change
Climate change is likely to have a severe impact on East Africa’s bean industry. Beans are a vital crop, with over 200 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa depending on them as their most important pulse.
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The life cycle of the African armyworm

African Armyworm
The life cycle of the African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta) makes it an extremely destructive pest. It grows and reproduces quickly with just ten days between hatching and pupation.
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4 mango disorders that can affect yields

Having been cultivated for centuries, mango is an important crop throughout tropical regions globally. A wide range of fresh mango cultivars are now consumed worldwide and are available all year round, making it a valuable commodity. In 2020, the global export of mangoes, guavas and mangosteens rose to approximately 2.2 million tonnes.
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Tomato pests and diseases

Tomato is a popular and extensively cultivated crop due to its high potential to generate profits for smallholder farmers. However, there are a number of tomato pests and diseases that have the potential to severely diminish yields. Here we highlight four tomato pests and diseases to look out for.
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Pest Risk Analysis workshop: spotting Pakistan’s potential invaders

Mealy bug on a branch
Invasive species can cause enormous damage, affecting biodiversity, the environment, and people in invaded areas. They disproportionately affect communities in poor rural areas; people who depend on natural resources and healthy ecosystems to make a living. It is widely accepted that prevention is better than cure, however, how do you work out which species pose…
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Successful PRISE-FRT radio campaign promotes IPM to farmers in Malawi

The PRISE project has carried out a successful radio and SMS campaign targeting maize, tomato and bean smallholder farmers in Malawi. In collaboration with Farm Radio Trust (FRT) the campaign was developed in late 2020 to disseminate the PRISE pest alert forecasts to rural farmers in Mchinji and Balaka districts and promote the uptake of…
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