How has a ‘writeshop’ helped to address invasive apple snail in Kenya?

Invasive species, like apple snail, are a threat to food security. It’s important that they’re quickly managed before they start to spread. One of the best ways to do this is to share plant health knowledge with smallholder farmers. And writeshops are an excellent tool for gathering evidence-based information to do this. In this blog,…
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First Regional Pest Risk Analysis Workshop for SADC Member States held in Zambia

CABI, as part of the global PlantwisePlus programme, has facilitated the first Regional Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) workshop for Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Member States in Lusaka, Zambia.
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CABI’s expertise in digital data highlighted at Kenya meeting to help ensure greater sustainable food security

CABI’s expertise in digital data and development has been highlighted at a meeting in Kenya convened to identify ways in which Earth Observation (EO) data, products and services can help ensure greater sustainable food security.
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Pest risk training to help detect Pakistan’s potential invaders

A pest risk tools training for PlantwisePlus partners and stakeholders recently took place in Pakistan. The CABI-organised session covered the Horizon Scanning and Pest Risk Analysis platforms. Growing globalisation, trade and in particular, the international movement of plant commodities, increase the risk of the spread of plant pests. Introduced pests can lower crop yields and…
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Horizon scanning and pest risk analysis of prioritized pests in Bangladesh

PlantwisePlus recently led a workshop in Bangladesh focused on building capacity on the prioritization of invasive alien threats and pest risk analysis using CABI decision support tools. PlantwisePlus facilitated a two 2-day each training workshops in Bangladesh on horizon scanning and pest risk analysis (PRA) respectively. A number of CABI staff travelled to Dhaka to…
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CABI helps Kenyan farmers combat invasive apple snail

invasive apple snail eggs
In 2019, Kenyan farmers first started reporting instances of the invasive apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) infesting rice paddy nurseries. Thanks to speedy action by the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) and the Ministry of Agriculture, intervention actions were rolled out across the country. Importantly, these interventions spread awareness of the new invasive pest and…
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Taro caterpillar outbreak in central India

The Taro caterpillar (Spodoptera litura), is a pest of many crops across Asia and Oceania. This species is generally well-controlled by natural enemies. Therefore, outbreaks in India’s Madhya Pradesh over the past two years are particularly notable.
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The continuing struggle for onion farmers in the Philippines

Since mid-2022, the price of the humble red onion has been increasing in the Philippines. In December of last year, the price surged to around 700 pesos ($12.80; £10.40) per kilogram. Making onions more expensive than the equivalent amount of beef for Filipinos. A staple of Philippine cooking, the country consumes approximately 17,000 metric tons…
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CABI facilitates Pest Risk Assessment writeshop in Nepal

PRA participants Nepal
Last month, CABI delivered technical support in a two-day pest risk assessment writeshop for plant quarantine officers in Kathmandu, Nepal. The Plant Quarantine and Pesticide Management Centre (PQPMC) which serves as National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) of Nepal organized the writeshop.
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East Africa’s bean industry adapts to climate change

bean industry adapts to climate change
Climate change is likely to have a severe impact on East Africa’s bean industry. Beans are a vital crop, with over 200 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa depending on them as their most important pulse.
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