Empowering Nepalese students with CABI digital platforms: Exploring the PlantwisePlus Toolkit

Gaurav Thakur, a student of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, writes here about CABI’s presentation of its digital platforms for plant protection and other agricultural applications.
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PlantwisePlus India: challenges and opportunities

PlantwisePlus India stakeholder meeting
Agriculture forms the backbone of India’s economy, employing nearly 44% of the workforce. However, farmers in the country face many challenges, not only pests and diseases, which destroy up to 40% of crops. Outbreaks, such as the locust swarms of 2020 and, more recently taro caterpillar in Madhya Pradesh, can affect food security, national security and human health.
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Pest risk training to help detect Pakistan’s potential invaders

A pest risk tools training for PlantwisePlus partners and stakeholders recently took place in Pakistan. The CABI-organised session covered the Horizon Scanning and Pest Risk Analysis platforms. Growing globalisation, trade and in particular, the international movement of plant commodities, increase the risk of the spread of plant pests. Introduced pests can lower crop yields and…
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Benefits of the PlantwisePlus digital tools presented in Nepal

Attendees of the PlantwisePlus digital tools symposium, Nepal
CABI introduced the benefits of the PlantwisePlus digital tools and CABI Digital Library during a symposium in Nepal this April. Titled, “CABI Digital Library- A Suite of Tools for Plant Health System”, the event presented the tools and how they can help strengthen plant health systems.
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Crop App Index: search over 800 plant-health apps

The Crop App Index website helps users to find the plant-health apps and websites they need to answer their crop pest and disease questions. CABI recently added a further 250 websites and apps to the search tool. It now features over 800 different plant-health-related platforms to support decision-making.
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PlantwisePlus Knowledge Bank joins the CABI Digital Library

PlantwisePlus Knowledge Bank.
The PlantwisePlus Knowledge Bank has joined the CABI Digital Library platform. Developed by subject experts in partnership with international collaborators, the CABI  Digital Library (CDL) makes it easier for practitioners, students and researchers to find in-depth scientific information in their area of interest.
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PlantwisePlus boosts crop health in Bangladesh

A rice farmer in central Bangladesh
Crop health in Bangladesh has never been more important. The FAO states that the agricultural sector employs almost 50% of Bangladesh’s population. And more than 70% of the country’s land is dedicated to growing crops.
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Agricultural mobile apps strengthening agricultural extension

agricultural mobile apps
CABI’s range of agricultural mobile apps provides a way for smallholders to access up-to-date, real-time information, either first-hand or through advisory services. Smallholder farmers across the world need access to agricultural advice so their crops are less susceptible to pests and diseases. Extension and advisory service workers are important for communicating science-based solutions with communities,…
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CABI Academy and Accessibility

CABI Academy
The CABI Academy team continues to make improvements to ensure the CABI Academy is accessible to as many people as possible. We have nearly 12,000 registered users from all over the world. Through a programme of continuous user research and ongoing improvements, we aim to minimise the barriers to those users accessing high-quality educational resources…
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Free CABI Academy eLearning courses for extension providers available in Rwanda 

CABI Academy
CABI’s new digital learning platform, the CABI Academy, is now available for free for users in Rwanda.   The digital courses are designed for agricultural extension and advisory service providers. They provide important practical advice and resources to participants to grow their knowledge and provide the best possible advice to farmers.
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