Most read blogs of 2024

Image of Papayas, ready to sell. Our Common Papaya Disorders: A Comprehensive Guide one of our most-read blog posts this year.
As 2024 comes to a close, we’ve tallied the numbers to reveal the most read blogs on the PlantwisePlus Blog this year—plus a few firm favourites! Our most read blogs cover crop pest guides, digital tools, and biocontrols for invasive species, highlighting the impactful work we do with smallholder farmers, policymakers, and communities. Did any…
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Chilli black thrips outbreak: supporting Indian farmers to protect crops sustainably

Green chillies
Outbreaks of Thrips parvispinus, commonly known as chilli black thrips or Southeast Asian thrips, are causing challenges for smallholder farmers in India. These tiny, dark-coloured invasive pests are responsible for considerable economic losses, particularly for growers who rely on chilli crops as a primary source of income. Chilli black thrips are notorious for their aggressive…
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How PlantwisePlus and Grameen Foundation are driving change for women farmers in India 

Attendees of the CABI Academy training with Grameen Foundation and CABI
In India, women farmers play a crucial role in agriculture, contributing significantly to activities like seed production, sowing, weeding, transplanting, threshing, and harvesting. Despite making up a substantial portion of the agricultural workforce, their access to advisory services is limited. Many agricultural services do not cater to their specific needs, resulting in a gap between…
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Human-centred design workshop in India helps shape PlantwisePlus digital tools

human centred design workshop, India
Smallholder farmers rely on extension services and other agricultural service providers for effective advisory information. To serve the broad needs of farmers, advisors need access to decision-support information. Digital tools can offer many advantages to advisors, such as providing easy access to relevant information and improving decision-making.
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Instructors in Bangladesh receive training to use CABI digital tools in agricultural diploma curricula

Bangladesh is enhancing its agricultural diploma education by incorporating PlantwisePlus learning and decision-making resources to improve farmer advisory services nationwide. Instructors at the country’s Agriculture Training Institute (ATI) will now have access to digital tools from CABI Academy and PlantwisePlus, which are being integrated into the ATI curriculum. Bangladesh Technical Education Board and CABI recently…
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From TV star to farming advocate: How Catherine Kiboi is helping CABI Academy reach a new audience

Actor and influencer Catherine Kiboi in her kitchen garden
Actor Catherine Kiboi is helping a new audience benefit from CABI’s online learning platform. CABI Academy is an important learning resource for a diverse range of users. For smallholder farmers, it offers a chance to gain specialized knowledge and practical skills that enhance their farming practices and improve crop yields.
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South Sudan farmers to benefit from country-specific extension content

Workshop participants looking at the PlantwisePlus Factsheets app
CABI organized a five-day digital and in-country content creation workshop in Juba, South Sudan. The writeshop was an opportunity to introduce the PlantwisePlus digital learning and decision-making tools and build capacity for national stakeholders in developing country-specific extension materials for farmers.  
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India Update: Pest Risk Analysis workshop

Workshop participants with CABI and NIPHM faculty
A Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) allows National Plant Protection Organisations (NPPOs) to assess risks posed by pests or pathways of quarantine concern and identify options to manage those risks. In early Jun, CABI, in collaboration with the National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM), conducted a five-day regional workshop on PRA using CABI decision-support tools.…
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Nepal Update: International Plant Protection Symposium 2024

CABI's stand at the International Plant Protection Symposium in Nepal
The International Plant Protection Symposium 2024, held in Nepal, focused on leveraging digital tools for sustainable agriculture. It brought together experts, researchers, and practitioners to address emerging plant protection challenges and explore innovative solutions. The event provided an excellent platform for CABI to enhance the visibility and promotion of the PlantwisePlus digital tools, which aid…
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Digital tools promotion roadmap created with stakeholders in Kenya’s Nakuru County

Advisor using a tablet while speaking to a farmer
Digital tools can benefit farmers and those in agricultural advisory services. CABI envisions a world in which digital innovation magnifies agricultural and environmental development impact. Through the creation and application of digital technologies, CABI brings science-based agricultural knowledge to millions of smallholder farmers, helping them increase their yields sustainably.
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