Types of biological control: augmentative, conservation and classical
Biological control, also called biocontrol or bioprotection, is a method of pest control using other organisms, natural enemies, pathogens, semiochemicals and natural substances. Unlike some other methods of control in agriculture, bioprotection often has little to no side effects.
Parasitic wasps play pivotal role in Kenya’s papaya mealybug control
Papaya mealybug (Paracoccus marginatus) is a devastating papaya pest. It impacts many countries in East and West Africa. Infestations can result in significant economic losses, posing a threat to the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. On average, the pest can cause anywhere from 53% to 100% crop losses, costing £2,224 per hectare annually. Its impact on…
Trichogramma mass rearing facilities piloted in Pakistan
Championing sustainable agriculture by promoting lower-risk plant protection solutions to tackle crop health challenges is a key objective of CABI’s PlantwisePlus programme. In particular, the managing of plant pests and diseases. A cornerstone of this work is setting up local facilities for the mass rearing of lower-risk plant protection solutions.
Biocontrol agent released to safeguard crops from parthenium weed in Pakistan
Invasive plants can be extremely harmful to crops. “Famine weed” or parthenium is one such plant. Native to tropical America, it was accidentally introduced to several countries. In Pakistan, the weed now covers thousands of hectares of agricultural and rangeland. And it poses an economic burden to farmers.
Controlling the papaya mealybug pest – progress made in coastal Kenya
An initiative to combat the destructive papaya mealybug in Kenya is reaping rewards. A natural predator – a parasitic wasp – has been introduced to coastal counties to help control the pest. This tiny wasp is helping to prevent the damage caused by the mealybug. It’s not only helping to save papaya farms. It’s safeguarding…