CABI helps develop regional Pest Risk Analysis to prevent/reduce the invasion of new crop pests in West African countries

CABI has teamed up with 15 NPPOs for a workshop held to help develop regional Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) to prevent/reduce the invasion of new crop pests in West African countries.
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Training module to help agro-input dealers in Uganda reduce the risks of highly hazardous pesticides

CABI has worked in partnership to produce a training module on lower-risk plant protection products to help agro-input dealers in Uganda reduce the risks associated with highly hazardous pesticides to deal with a range of crop pests.
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Training workshops held to help strengthen capacity of PlantwisePlus plant clinics in Namibia

Data mgt workshop group exercise_credit CABI
Two training workshops have been held to help strengthen the capacity of 10 PlantwisePlus plant clinics recently launched in Namibia in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
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Writeshop to draft National Pesticide Residue Monitoring Framework for Kenya

A writeshop has led to the creation of a draft National Pesticide Residue Monitoring Framework for Kenya aimed at coordinating pesticides residue monitoring for domestic and export value chains. This writeshop follows a series of virtual meetings held in the months of May and July 2024 that aimed at examining the situation on pesticide monitoring…
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PlantwisePlus – supporting countries with pest preparedness for food security

Ivan was in South Sudan to assist farmers to manage FAW (3)
On World Food Day, CABI’s Global Lead for Pest Preparedness, Dr Ivan Rwomushana, considers how pest preparedness can safeguard ‘foods for a better life and a better future’ helping smallholder farmers to access the knowledge they need to prepare for and address the spread of pests. When it comes to addressing food security, pest preparedness…
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CABI delivers training and write-shop on production of extension materials for plant doctors in Namibia

CABI has delivered a four-day training and write-shop on the production of extension materials to support PlantwisePlus plant doctors working to help improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Namibia as well as local and national food security efforts.
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Workshop reviews progress of Taita Taveta Plant Doctor Network in Kenya

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CABI has held a workshop to assess the progress of the Taita Taveta Plant Doctor Network in Kenya – launched to help smallholder farmers grow more and lose less to potentially devastating crop pests and diseases.
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CABI and FAO collaborate to launch plant clinics in Namibia

CABI and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), are teaming up to take 10 plant clinics to Namibia as part of a project to help improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers as well as local and national food security.
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New plant clinic and farmer knowledge centre to help boost livelihoods and food security in Taita Taveta County

CABI’s PlantwisePlus programme, county government of Taita Taveta and the Micro Enterprise Support Programme Trust (MESPT) have joined forces to open a new plant clinic and farmer knowledge centre to boost livelihoods and food security in Taita Taveta County, Kenya.
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CABI-led PlantwisePlus training to help increase livelihoods and greater food security in Papua New Guinea

Two international experts in crop and plant health from CABI have visited Papua New Guinea (PNG) to provide training in crop pests and disease which may help increase livelihoods and greater food security in the country.
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