Plantwise Knowledge Bank Country Resources – What’s available?
The Plantwise Knowledge Bank (PWKB) is a free online resource that gathers plant health information from across the world. Over 15,000 pieces of content, which include, pest management decision guide’s (PMDG), factsheets for farmers (PFFF), species pages, photo sheets, manuals and video factsheets in over 100 languages.
How to diagnose a pest problem using the diagnostic tool
The Plantwise Knowledge Bank brings together plant health information from across the world. It includes a diagnostic tool, factsheet library, pesticide lists and pest alerts. For those seeking to diagnose a pest problem, the Plantwise Knowledge Bank’s Pest Diagnostic Tool is particularly useful, providing information to help identify the symptoms observed on a crop.
Update: New Pest & Disease Records (06 July 2019)
This month’s pest alerts include the first reports in Zakopane, Poland of the western conifer seed bug Leptoglossus occidentalis and Sceliphron destillatorium (© Pexels) We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this month include new species of Hexamermis Steiner parasitizing Epilachna paenulata in Argentina, the…
It’s here: the new Plantwise Knowledge Bank!
We are pleased to announce the release of the newly designed and dynamic Plantwise Knowledge Bank. The new website is now mobile responsive and has a cleaner, more user-friendly homepage. Our improved design allows for easier navigation and its responsive layout has made it suitable for desktop, mobiles and tablets.