Watch out for these five cabbage pests
Cabbage is a globally important vegetable crop. It serves as a valuable source of nutrition and income for local communities. With a wide range of varieties around the world – from Savoy to Bok Choy – it is an important component of many cuisines. Smallholder farmers often cultivate cabbage as a cash crop. Like many…
What are CABI’s Horizon Scanning and Pest Risk Analysis tools, and how do people use them?
In 2018 and 2019, CABI launched two innovative decision-support tools for identifying pest risks. They are the Horizon Scanning Tool (HST) and the Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) Tool, both of which are used in PlantwisePlus capacity building activities. They help users identify potential future pest threats, especially those working in areas like plant protection and…
Recommendations made for plant clinic progress in Afghanistan
Plant clinics are an important way that we support farmers in Afghanistan. The programme helps smallholders and kitchen gardeners alike. It aims to give them the knowledge they need to protect their crops from pests and diseases. And by doing this, it helps to safeguard their crop yields and livelihoods.
Trichogramma mass rearing facilities piloted in Pakistan
Championing sustainable agriculture by promoting lower-risk plant protection solutions to tackle crop health challenges is a key objective of CABI’s PlantwisePlus programme. In particular, the managing of plant pests and diseases. A cornerstone of this work is setting up local facilities for the mass rearing of lower-risk plant protection solutions.