John Tann)
We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this month include a new species of bark beetle in Taiwan and the first record of fungi isolated from Thrips tabaci on garlic in the Philippines.
- First report on Chenopodium quinoa willdenow (Amaranthaceae) stem-boring damage by Athesapeuta dodonis (Marshall) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) with associated fungal spp. interactions in South Africa. Weeks, W. J.; Rensburg, B. J. van (2021) African Entomology 29 (1) 289-295.
- An assessment of the abundance and species richness of lepidopteran stemborer communities in selected natural habitats in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Stemele, M. A.; Heshula, L. U. P. (2021) African Entomology 29 (1) 69-86.
- A new species and five new records of bark beetles (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) from Taiwan. Lin ChingShan; Beaver, R. A. (2021) Taiwania 66 (1) 1-10.
- Phylogenetic analysis of the pathogen causing eggplant brown leaf spot. Misawa, T.; Iwadate, Y.; Kurose, D. (2021) Journal of General Plant Pathology 87 (2) 123-126.
- Characterization of citrus leaf blotch virus from Nandina domestica ‘Otafukunanten’. Kamitani, M.; Nagano, A. J.; Okuno, T. (2021) Journal of General Plant Pathology 87 (2) 113-116.
- Sharp eyespot of barley, bread wheat and durum wheat caused by Ceratobasidium cereale in Japan. Tomioka, K.; Sekiguchi, H.; Ban, Y.; Kato, K.; Ito, M.; Sugita, T.; Yoshioka, T.; Ishikawa, N. (2021) Journal of General Plant Pathology 87 (2) 110-112.
- Pink seed of barley caused by Erwinia persicina. Kawaguchi, A.; Abe, D.; Saito, T.; Nogata, Y.; Nomiyama, K.; Kohyama, N.; Takahashi, A.; Yoshioka, T.; Ishikawa, N.; Tomioka, K. (2021) Journal of General Plant Pathology 87 (2) 106-109.
- Extending the fossil record for foliicolous Dothideomycetes: bleximothyrium ostiolatum gen. et sp. nov., a unique fly-speck fungus from the lower cretaceous of Virginia, USA. Renard, L. le; Stockey, R. A.; Upchurch, G. R.; Berbee, M. L. (2021) American Journal of Botany 108 (1) 129-144.
- First record of fungi isolated from Thrips tabaci Lindeman on garlic (Ilocos white) in Batac, Philippines. Reyes, C. P.; Mintu, C. B.; Dalisay, T. U. (2021) Philippine Journal of Science 150 (1) 145-152.
- Characterization of ‘Candidatus phytoplasma asteris‘-related strain association with leaf yellowing of Wrightia antidysenterica (Arctic Snow) in Tripura, India. Shreenath, Y. S.; Amar Bahadur; Hemavati Ranebennur; Rao, G. P. (2021) Australasian Plant Disease Notes 16 (13) (30 April 2021).
To view all search results for new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases, click here or to view results by your location click here.
If there’s another new record you’d like to highlight, please post a comment.
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