We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this month include reports on a new pathogenic fungal species in Iran and new records of needle nematode and a novel Schizomyia species in China.
- New pathogenic and endophytic fungal species associated with Persian oak in Iran. Alidadi, A.; Kowsari, M.; Javan-Nikkhah, M.; Jouzani, G. R. S.; Rastaghi, M. E. (2019) European Journal of Plant Pathology 155 (3) 1017-1032.
- First report of a genetic map and evidence of QTL for resistance to CABMV in a segregating population of Passiflora. Santos, E. A.; Viana, A. P.; Walter, F. H. de B.; Freitas, J. C. de O.; Ramos, H. C. C.; Boechat, M. S. B. (2019) European Journal of Plant Pathology 155 (3) 903-915.
- Morphological and molecular characterisation of Paralongidorus sacchari (Nematoda: Longidoridae), a new record of needle nematode in China.Wang HongHong; Zhuo Kan; Cai RunDe; Liao JinLing (2019) European Journal of Plant Pathology 155 (2) 615-625.
- Peronospora aquilegiicola sp. nov., the downy mildew affecting columbines in the UK is an invasive species from East Asia. Thines, M.; Denton, G. J.; Beal, E. J.; Kilty, A.; Denton, J. O.; Shin HyeonDong; Choi YoungJoon (2019) European Journal of Plant Pathology 155 (2) 515-525.
- Description of Xiphinema azarbaijanense n. sp. (Nematoda; Longidoridae) from West Azarbaijan province, northwestern Iran. Afshar, F. J.; Shahryari, F.; Gharibzadeh, F.; Pourjam, E.; Pedram, M. (2019) European Journal of Plant Pathology 155 (2) 417-434.
- A new Schizomyia species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) inducing flower bud galls on Chinese tallow tree Triadica sebifera in its native range. Elsayed, A. K.; Wheeler, G. S.; Purcell, M.; Dyer, K.; Zhang JiaLiang; Tokuda, M. (2019) Applied Entomology and Zoology 54 (4) 429-436.
- Identification of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, Pepper huasteco yellow vein virus and Pepper golden mosaic virus associated with pepper diseases in northern Mexico. Morales-Aguilar, J. J.; Rodríguez-Negrete, E. A.; Camacho-Beltrán, E.; López-Luque, C. A.; Leyva-López, N. E.; Jiménez-Díaz, F.; Voloudakis, A.; Santos-Cervantes, M. E.; Méndez-Lozano, J. (2019) Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 41 (4) 544-550.
- Diversity of plant-parasitic nematodes parasitising grapes in Southern Brazil. Divers, M.; Gomes, C. B.; Menezes-Netto, A. C.; Lima-Medina, I.; Nondillo, A.; Bellé, C.; Araújo Filho, J. V. de (2019) Tropical Plant Pathology 44 (5) 401-408.
- New data on the Lepidoptera of Armenia (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). Langourov, M. (2019) SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología 47 (187) 415-435.
- Pathogenic microbes in Hypsizygus marmoreus industrialized cultivation. Yao WeiWei; Bao DaPeng; Chen HongYu; Li JinXin; Li Yan; Zhou ChenLi; Li XiaoLing; Wu YingYing (2019) Mycosystema 38 (9) 1407-1418.
To view all search results for new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases, click here or to view results by your location click here.
If there’s another new record you’d like to highlight, please post a comment.
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