World Food Prize winner’s vision sown in CABI-led Plantwise programme in Myanmar
World Food Prize Laureate for 2019 Simon N. Groot, founder of East-West Seed, helped train CABI Plantwise plant doctors in Myanmar so farmers can grow more and lose less to pests and diseases (Photo: World Food Prize). Simon N. Groot, the Dutch founder of East-West Seed, has won the World Food Prize 2019 for empowering millions…
CABI signs MoU with Agricultural Department Gilgit Baltistan to launch Plantwise programme
CABI has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Agriculture Department Gilgit Baltistan in Pakistan to launch the Plantwise programme in order to provide research-based advisory services to farmers. The agreement, which will deliver Plantwise plant clinic services, was signed by Dr Babar Bajwa, Regional Director – CABI Central and West Asia, and Mr Sajjad Haider…
Plantwise wins the OECD DAC Prize 2015
The CABI-led Plantwise programme this week won the OECD Development Assistance Committee’s Prize 2015 for innovation. The award recognises initiatives that take innovative approaches to international development, scaling up pilot projects and applying them more widely. Over the past five years, Plantwise has grown to reach over four million farmers in 34 countries, helping them to lose less and feed more.…
Plantwise shortlisted for OECD DAC Prize
The CABI-led Plantwise programme has been named as a finalist for the OECD DAC Prize 2015. This award recognises organisations taking innovative approaches beyond the pilot phase to wider application. The OECD Development Assistance Committee’s objective is to “acknowledge development actors who take this step: from supporting innovation, to using it systematically and strategically to address development challenges by taking…
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IPPC and Plantwise Collaboration initiated with a Rome Secondment
As part of our recent efforts to improve collaboration on joint activities, CABI Plantwise is delighted to announce an agreement with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) to initiate secondments between the two organizations, and thereby increase transparency and effectiveness. Katherine Cameron, Knowledge Bank Development Manager for Plantwise, has joined the IPPC secretariat at the FAO…
News of Plantwise Zambia sparks national media coverage
Contributed by Josepth Mulema, CABI Africa [scribd id=142518071 key=key-rg25wqt46we9xn8h03j mode=scroll] Zambia Daily Mail article written by Benedict Tembo
Update: Plant Health News (27 Mar 13)
Here’s a taste of some of the latest stories about plant health, including work in Uganda to save the Irish Potato in Kabale, Brazil nearing eradication of a major fruit pest, and farmers testing wheat for climate change adaptation. Click on the link to read more of the latest plant health news!
Update: Plant Health News (13 Mar 13)
Here’s a taste of some of the latest stories about plant health, including the development of diagnostics for Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD), a coffee pest spreading to other crops in East Africa and farmers testing wheat crops for climate change adaptation. Click on the link to read more of the latest plant health news!