Use the Crop Sprayer app to improve your Integrated Pest Management strategy

farmer in Cambodia sprayer crops
The Crop Sprayer mobile app is the latest tool in the PlantwisePlus Toolkit. The free app helps users apply just the right amount of pesticide to treat and protect crops from pests.
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Agricultural mobile apps strengthening agricultural extension

agricultural mobile apps
CABI’s range of agricultural mobile apps provides a way for smallholders to access up-to-date, real-time information, either first-hand or through advisory services. Smallholder farmers across the world need access to agricultural advice so their crops are less susceptible to pests and diseases. Extension and advisory service workers are important for communicating science-based solutions with communities,…
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Simulation app for improved plant-health diagnosis skills

Crop Pest Simulator App
CABI’s simulation app Pest Diagnostic Simulator allows users to test their plant pest and disease investigation and diagnosis skills through multiple scenarios, reinforcing investigation and diagnosis skills through engaging gameplay and real-time feedback. 
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