Update: Plant Health News (04 May 16)
Here’s a taste of some of the latest stories about plant health, including whiteflies affecting melon in Honduras, a new irrigation project in Shire Valley, Malawi and rain and Citrus Greening affecting lime in Mexico. Click on the link to read more of the latest plant health news!
Update: Plant Health News (20 Apr 16)
Here’s a taste of some of the latest stories about plant health, including the government in Nigeria introducing soil test kits to farmers, drought hitting bananas in Nicaragua and community managed irrigation schemes in Ethiopia to help ensure food security. Click on the link to read more of the latest plant health news!
Update: Plant Health News (06 Apr 16)
Here’s a taste of some of the latest stories about plant health, including HLB infected insects identified in Colombia, a new millet variety introduced in Rwanda and a new video to teach farmers in Kenya about drought-tolerant maize. Click on the link to read more of the latest plant health news!
Update: Plant Health News (19 Jun 13)
Here’s a taste of some of the latest stories about plant health, including how how irrigation is unlocking the ag potential in Chile’s driest region, how climate change is affecting food supply in Ghana and an assessment of the first billion acres of biotech crops. Click on the link to read more of the latest plant…
How to improve rice yield using the System of Rice Intensification (SRI)
This video shows how farmers in East and Southern Africa have been benefiting from increased rice yield after implementing SRI management practices. By following some simple principles in how to transplant the rice seedlings, maintain soil health, carefully irrigate, and manage weeds and nutrients, farmers can now produce a lot more rice than they used…
The problems of achieving food security for 1.6 billion people in China
It is predicted that the population of China will stabilise at 1.6 billion within the next two decades. In order to feed this many people, crop production will need to increase by 2% each year to provide the estimated 580 million tonnes of grain that will be required. Mingsheng Fan and colleagues have published a…