Blueprint for change: how a training manual will support pesticide risk reduction in Uganda

In the evolving landscape of pesticide regulation and safety, well-crafted training manuals are indispensable tools. They ensure that people who use pesticides can effectively navigate and implement risk reduction strategies. These knowledge resources can become a blueprint for changing behaviour around pesticides.
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Changing behaviour around pesticide use can make farming safer – here’s how 

Chemical pesticides can be an important part of a pest management strategy, helping to prevent food losses and waste. Synthetic fungicides, herbicides and insecticides can effectively control pest threats, and this is beneficial for food production. However, pesticides have a downside. They pose a health risk to consumers, farmers, animals and the environment. These risks…
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South Sudan farmers to benefit from country-specific extension content

Workshop participants looking at the PlantwisePlus Factsheets app
CABI organized a five-day digital and in-country content creation workshop in Juba, South Sudan. The writeshop was an opportunity to introduce the PlantwisePlus digital learning and decision-making tools and build capacity for national stakeholders in developing country-specific extension materials for farmers.  
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Nepal Update: International Plant Protection Symposium 2024

CABI's stand at the International Plant Protection Symposium in Nepal
The International Plant Protection Symposium 2024, held in Nepal, focused on leveraging digital tools for sustainable agriculture. It brought together experts, researchers, and practitioners to address emerging plant protection challenges and explore innovative solutions. The event provided an excellent platform for CABI to enhance the visibility and promotion of the PlantwisePlus digital tools, which aid…
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Digital tools promotion roadmap created with stakeholders in Kenya’s Nakuru County

Advisor using a tablet while speaking to a farmer
Digital tools can benefit farmers and those in agricultural advisory services. CABI envisions a world in which digital innovation magnifies agricultural and environmental development impact. Through the creation and application of digital technologies, CABI brings science-based agricultural knowledge to millions of smallholder farmers, helping them increase their yields sustainably.
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Nepal National Forum stresses collaborative actions for strengthening plant clinics

Plant Clinic stakeholders at the Nepal National Forum
The National Forum meeting, a key event in the Nepal PlantwisePlus calendar, recently took place in  Kathmandu.  It was an opportunity for participants to hear the latest plant clinic activities and aimed to strengthen plant clinic operations nationwide.
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Empowering women in agriculture: The digital leap in Bangladesh

In the heart of Bangladesh, where agriculture embroiders the vast landscape of rural livelihoods, a digital revolution is quietly unfurling. Although gradual, this change holds the promise of transforming the traditional agricultural practices that have been the backbone of the nation. However, the fulcrum of this transformation—empowering women farmers through digital advisory services—remains a story…
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Plant clinics showcased at Harvest Money Expo in Uganda to help empower the country’s young smallholder farmers

The CABI-led PlantwisePlus programme showcased its plant clinics at the Harvest Money Expo in Uganda to help empower the country’s young smallholder farmers to grow more and lose less to potentially devastating crop pests and diseases. The Harvest Money Expo, organized by the Vision Group in partnership with the Netherlands Embassy in Uganda, attracted over…
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Empowering women farmers with digital tools in India

A woman farmer in India
In India, 59 per cent of women work in agriculture. This workforce is vital to the country’s rural economy, with women performing many of the big farming jobs, such as planting, weeding, tending, and harvesting crops. 
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CABI shares important new evidence on the legacy of Plantwise

A plant doctor holds broccoli crop with farmer pointing at it.
CABI has published a working paper assessing the legacy of Plantwise programmes in six countries: Nepal, Pakistan, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, and Jamaica. The paper, entitled Plantwise Sustainability: Two Years on, finds that the sustainability of a Plantwise programme hinges heavily on the country in question. This means that while it is difficult to engineer or…
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