We’ve selected a few of the latest new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases from CAB Abstracts. Records this month include a report of a new root-knot nematode parasitizing grape in Yunnan and a new species of Echidnodella from India.
- Pestalotiopsis abietissp. nov. from Abies fargesii in China. Gu Mo; Hu DongWei; Han Bing; Jiang Ning; Tian ChengMing (2021) Phytotaxa 509 (1) 93-105.
- Affinibrenneria salicis gen. nov. sp. nov. isolated from Salix matsudana bark canker. Bian DanRan; Xue Han; Wang GuangMing; Piao ChunGen; Li Yong (2021) Archives of Microbiology 203 (6) 3473-3481.
- Identification of a new Talaromyces strain DYM25 isolated from the Yap trench as a biocontrol agent against Fusarium wilt of cucumber. Luo Man; Chen YiMin; He JianLin; Tang Xu; Wu XuDong; Xu ChangAn (2021) Microbiological Research 251.
- Amphibambusa hongheensis sp. nov., a novel bambusicolous ascomycete from Yunnan, China. Jiang HongBo; Zhang ShiJie; Phookamsak, R.; Promputtha, I.; Kakumyan, P.; Xu JianChu (2021) Phytotaxa 505 (2) 201-212.
- Identification of two new Alternaria isolates on sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plants in Lucknow, India. Varucha Misra; Mall, A. K.; Kumar, M.; Srivastava, S.; Pathak, A. D. (2021) Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 54 (3/4) 164-176.
- A new species of Echidnodella (Asterinales, Lembosiaceae) from western Ghats of Kerala state, India. Hina Mohamed; Jacob Thomas (2021) Phytotaxa 496 (3) 275-280.
- Morphology and phylogeny of a new species, Pseudocercospora haldinae (Mycosphaerellaceae) on Haldina cordifolia from India. Sanjay Yadav; Verma, S. K.; Singh, V. K.; Raghvendra Singh; Archana Singh; Shambhu Kumar (2021) Phytotaxa 501 (2) 281-292.
- A new root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne vitis sp. nov. (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae), parasitizing grape in Yunnan. Yang YanMei; Hu XianQi; Liu Pei; Chen Li; Peng Huan; Wang QiaoMei; Zhang Qi (2021) PLoS ONE 16 (2).
- Revision of the genus Xylodrypta Lesne 1901 (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae: Bostrichinae: Xyloperthini) with a new species and a key to species. Liu, L. Y.; Beaver, R. A.; Sanguansub, S. (2021) Zootaxa 5005 (2) 234-240.
- Urolabida graziae, new urostylidid species from the Philippines with comments on the current taxonomy and systematics of the family (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Urostylididae). Roca-Cusachs, M.; Paris, M.; Mohagan, A.; Jung Sunghoon (2021) Zootaxa 4958 (1) 702-712.
To view all search results for new geographic, host and species records for plant pests and diseases, click here or to view results by your location click here.
If there’s another new record you’d like to highlight, please post a comment.
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