PlantwisePlus Blog

Antonio Limbau, Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Mozambique, speaking at the G8 Open Data for Agriculture Conference

Antonio Limbau, Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Mozambique, speaking at the G8 Open Data for Agriculture Conference (CABI Image)

This photo shows Antonio Limbau, the Deputy Minister for Agriculture of Mozambique speaking on the implications of agricultural open data for developing countries at the G8 Open Data for Agriculture conference on Monday in Washington, D.C. 

Governments in developed countries are working hard to make agriculture data open for others and accessible to farmers.  The talk focused on the implications of open data,  potentially a significant resource for developing countries working to help poor farmers increase their productivity. As well as Antonio Limbau, other speakers included Hirano Katsumi from the Area Studies Center, Japan, Stanley Wood from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Sean Krepp from the Grameen AppLab, Uganda. 

To read more about this conference visit the website and have a look at some of our other blog posts on the event


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