Tomato pests and diseases
Tomato is a popular and extensively cultivated crop due to its high potential to generate profits for smallholder farmers. However, there are a number of tomato pests and diseases that have the potential to severely diminish yields. Here we highlight four tomato pests and diseases to look out for.
Managing Tuta absoluta in Agricultural production systems
Adapted from ‘Tomato leaf miner/ American leaf miner management in Agricultural production systems (Distribution, biology, damage and integrated management)’ written by Koppert Biological Systems. The tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta, is a devastating pest of tomato. Originating from Latin America, T. absoluta has spread via infested fruits and packaging material to Europe, North Africa and the…
The life and travels of Tuta absoluta, the tomato leaf miner
The pesky tomato pest, Tuta absoluta, has decided in recent years that it wants to see a little more of the world. This moth is native to Peru and is probably widespread in all countries in South America, but in the last 5 years the pest has also been found in the Mediterranean, spreading at…