How strengthening South Sudan’s plant health system can reduce crop losses

In countries like South Sudan, people feel the effects of climate change with greater intensity. For example, increased crop pest invasions. The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) damages key crops like maize and sorghum. And the papaya mealybug (Paracoccus marginatus) has inflicted extensive damage on crops, leading to a 91% reduction in papaya yields. These factors and…
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South Sudan farmers to benefit from country-specific extension content

Workshop participants looking at the PlantwisePlus Factsheets app
CABI organized a five-day digital and in-country content creation workshop in Juba, South Sudan. The writeshop was an opportunity to introduce the PlantwisePlus digital learning and decision-making tools and build capacity for national stakeholders in developing country-specific extension materials for farmers.  
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PlantwisePlus delivers plant health ‘training of trainers’ in South Sudan 

South Sudan’s agricultural sector is vital to its economy and employs most of the population. The FAO estimates that up to 95% of South Sudan relies on agriculture for income. Diverse crops like cassava, maize, groundnut and sorghum characterize farming here. However, agriculture in this East African nation faces challenges. Climate change and global warming,…
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