India Update: Pest Risk Analysis workshop

Workshop participants with CABI and NIPHM faculty
A Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) allows National Plant Protection Organisations (NPPOs) to assess risks posed by pests or pathways of quarantine concern and identify options to manage those risks. In early Jun, CABI, in collaboration with the National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM), conducted a five-day regional workshop on PRA using CABI decision-support tools.…
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Pest risk training to help detect Pakistan’s potential invaders

A pest risk tools training for PlantwisePlus partners and stakeholders recently took place in Pakistan. The CABI-organised session covered the Horizon Scanning and Pest Risk Analysis platforms. Growing globalisation, trade and in particular, the international movement of plant commodities, increase the risk of the spread of plant pests. Introduced pests can lower crop yields and…
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Horizon scanning and pest risk analysis of prioritized pests in Bangladesh

PlantwisePlus recently led a workshop in Bangladesh focused on building capacity on the prioritization of invasive alien threats and pest risk analysis using CABI decision support tools. PlantwisePlus facilitated a two 2-day each training workshops in Bangladesh on horizon scanning and pest risk analysis (PRA) respectively. A number of CABI staff travelled to Dhaka to…
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CABI facilitates Pest Risk Assessment writeshop in Nepal

PRA participants Nepal
Last month, CABI delivered technical support in a two-day pest risk assessment writeshop for plant quarantine officers in Kathmandu, Nepal. The Plant Quarantine and Pesticide Management Centre (PQPMC) which serves as National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) of Nepal organized the writeshop.
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Pest Risk Analysis workshop: spotting Pakistan’s potential invaders

Mealy bug on a branch
Invasive species can cause enormous damage, affecting biodiversity, the environment, and people in invaded areas. They disproportionately affect communities in poor rural areas; people who depend on natural resources and healthy ecosystems to make a living. It is widely accepted that prevention is better than cure, however, how do you work out which species pose…
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CABI programmes showcased at International Conference on Plant Protection in Horticulture

CABI programmes, Plantwise and Action on Invasives, have showcased their expertise in plant protection and improving rural livelihoods to a global audience of agriculture experts and scientists at the recent International Conference on Plant Protection in Horticulture held at ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru.
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CABI’s latest ‘weapon’ in the fight against devastating crop pests showcased at Commission on Phytosanitary Measures

CABI’s latest ‘weapon’ in the fight against devastating crop pests has been presented to delegates at the International Plant Protection Convention’s (IPPC) Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) held recently at the FAO headquarters in Rome. Dr Washington Otieno, CABI’s Plantwise Programme Executive, told delegates at the 14th session of the CPM that CABI’s new Pest Risk…
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