How strengthening South Sudan’s plant health system can reduce crop losses

In countries like South Sudan, people feel the effects of climate change with greater intensity. For example, increased crop pest invasions. The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) damages key crops like maize and sorghum. And the papaya mealybug (Paracoccus marginatus) has inflicted extensive damage on crops, leading to a 91% reduction in papaya yields. These factors and…
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Plantwise programme made considerable progress to help strengthen plant health systems in Burundi

A farmer advisor with a tablet talking to a farmer
The CABI-led Plantwise programme made considerable progress to help strengthen plant health systems, livelihoods, and food security in Burundi, according to the end evaluation report published by the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) based in The Netherlands.
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The importance of plant clinics to Nepalese smallholder farmers

Nepal has immense diversity in its agro-climate and its crop production, thanks to the variation in its physical landscape. However, it faces a major constraint on its agricultural production, due to pests. Various studies indicate that about 35–40% of pre- and post-harvest losses in Nepal are caused by pests. Several types of chemicals are used…
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CABI’s Dr Kuhlmann talks plant health innovation at G20 Agricultural Chief Scientists meeting

Yesterday, CABI’s Executive Director of Global Operations, Dr Ulrich Kuhlmann, spoke about the importance of agricultural innovation and sharing plant health knowledge at the 5th meeting of the G20 Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS). As the host country, China chaired the meeting. The G20 MACS took place in Xi’an on 30-31 May 2016, with representatives from…
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Plantwise goes mainstream in Myanmar agriculture

myanmar plant clinic
by Dr. Kyin Kyin Win, Deputy Director (Plant Protection Division, MOALI) A major outcome of the two-year  pilot programme of Plantwise in Myanmar was the  recommendation from Dr. Tin Htut, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MoALI) to develop a Myanmar Plant Health System Development Strategy (MPHSDS) to guide the future…
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Plant health system developing well in Zambia

Since the launch of Plantwise in Zambia last year, much progress has been made to build capacity within the national plant health system. In collaboration with the Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI), CABI staff have successfully trained crop officers and extension staff from the Department of Agriculture, ZARI, and Self Help Africa on ‘how to…
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Photo of the Month, October 2013 – Idyllic location for training in Malawi

Plantwise was launched in Malawi in May 2013 after vigorous training of plant doctors in crop pest identification and how to give recommendations based on the identified pest problem. In the 14 plant clinics widespread in Lilongwe and Mzimba, there was need to understand the role that the plant clinic data will play in the…
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