Successful on-farm trials using Metarhizium rileyi in Zambia

The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) has wreaked havoc on Zambia’s agriculture, devastating smallholder farmers with staggering losses. But amidst the struggle, a promising solution emerges. Through activities on the PlantwisePlus programme and the Village-based biocontrol of fall armyworm in Zambia project, funded by ACIAR, CABI has delved into combating this agricultural menace with various biological…
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How can Metarhizium be used to address pests and diseases?

fall armyworm
Sihle Nakombe is a lab technician from CABI’s office in Zambia. She joined CABI in January 2023. Earlier this year, she visited the CABI labs in Egham, UK, to get training on Metarhizium. This naturally occurring fungus can control insect pests with low environmental and human health effects.
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