Back to the future at CPM10

Contributed by Roger Day, CABI CPM10 has heard how the Strategic Planning Group (SPG) indulged in a little well-considered phytosanitary “future-casting” at its 2014 meeting. Challenged by the secretariat to think about what the IPPC might look like 20 years from now, members came up with over 60 points for reflection, grouped into 7 areas:…
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Counting down to the 10th Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures

Contributed by Melanie Bateman, CABI Switzerland The 10th session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures is fast approaching (16 to 20 March), and papers related to many of the items that will be under discussion have been made available on the website of the International Plant Protection Convention: For example, the draft International Standards…
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Plantwise linking policy to practice

Contributed by Melanie Bateman, CABI Switzerland Quarantine, then and now During the 1400s, it is estimated that one third of Europe’s population died of the plague. In order to slow its spread, some cities adopted radical measures. For example, the Viscount of Reggio, Italy, decreed that anyone sick with the plague should be moved to…
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Plantwise joins IPPC in Rome to discuss building linkages for NPPOs

    Delegates from over twenty-six countries attended last Thursday’s side event jointly-hosted by the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat and the CABI-led Plantwise programme which served the goals common to both organizations: empowering countries to protect crops, thereby increasing food security. The event on the evening of April 2ndat Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of…
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New Video: The first IPPC & Plantwise Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya

strawb Plant health stakeholders from across East Africa met in Nairobi for the first ever workshop hosted by the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat and Plantwise. Watch as attendees exchange national experiences in plant protection using resources from Plantwise and the IPPC in the process. They renew strategies for greater coordination on plant health,…
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Plantwise joins IPPC at CPM9 in Rome for side-event tonight

Delegates from around the world convene at FAO headquarters for CPM9, many of which will attend tonight’s side-event to hear of joint activities and how partners are using resources to work together in Sri Lanka, Uganda and Kenya.
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IPPC: Why is pest risk analysis important? [Video]

Experts in pest risk analysis from around the world give their views on why risk analysis is important for trade and protection of domestic agriculture. Video from the IPPC.
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IPPC and Plantwise lead successful workshop for coordinated plant protection in East Africa

Watch the video here. From Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, key representatives of agricultural institutions gathered in Nairobi for the first ever joint workshop led by CABI’s Plantwise programme and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat. The workshop was convened in an effort to exchange national experiences in plant protection and pave the way…
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IPPC and Plantwise Collaboration initiated with a Rome Secondment

As part of our recent efforts to improve collaboration on joint activities, CABI Plantwise is delighted to announce an agreement with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) to initiate secondments between the two organizations, and thereby increase transparency and effectiveness. Katherine Cameron, Knowledge Bank Development Manager for Plantwise, has joined the IPPC secretariat at the FAO…
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Plantwise news update May 2013

The latest Plantwise newsletter is here. Click ‘Read more’ to find out about the launch of Plantwise in Ghana, discussions on greater collaboration between CABI and agricultural stakeholders in Myanmar,  support for Plantwise from the European Union, and developments in the Knowledge Bank.
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