The ‘plant’ doctor will see you now

This blog was originally published on Good Food Movement Until five years ago, M. Muthulakshmi, a farmer from Thoppupatti village in Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu, relied heavily on chemicals, including banned antibiotics like streptomycin, for her paddy crop. It was her go-to solution to treat bacterial blight, a deadly disease that affects crop yield. But, this…
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Piloting a CABI crop health advisory chatbot

Chatbot workshop participant
Last year, CABI’s Digital Development team, in coordination with colleagues in Kenya and India, embarked on a journey to pilot an agri-advisory chatbot. This initiative was informed by prior stakeholder engagement activities under the Generative AI for Agriculture Advisory (GAIA) project, where key insights were gathered to ensure generative AI tools meet the needs of…
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Chilli black thrips outbreak: supporting Indian farmers to protect crops sustainably

Green chillies
Outbreaks of Thrips parvispinus, commonly known as chilli black thrips or Southeast Asian thrips, are causing challenges for smallholder farmers in India. These tiny, dark-coloured invasive pests are responsible for considerable economic losses, particularly for growers who rely on chilli crops as a primary source of income. Chilli black thrips are notorious for their aggressive…
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How PlantwisePlus and Grameen Foundation are driving change for women farmers in India 

Attendees of the CABI Academy training with Grameen Foundation and CABI
In India, women farmers play a crucial role in agriculture, contributing significantly to activities like seed production, sowing, weeding, transplanting, threshing, and harvesting. Despite making up a substantial portion of the agricultural workforce, their access to advisory services is limited. Many agricultural services do not cater to their specific needs, resulting in a gap between…
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Human-centred design workshop in India helps shape PlantwisePlus digital tools

human centred design workshop, India
Smallholder farmers rely on extension services and other agricultural service providers for effective advisory information. To serve the broad needs of farmers, advisors need access to decision-support information. Digital tools can offer many advantages to advisors, such as providing easy access to relevant information and improving decision-making.
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India Update: Pest Risk Analysis workshop

Workshop participants with CABI and NIPHM faculty
A Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) allows National Plant Protection Organisations (NPPOs) to assess risks posed by pests or pathways of quarantine concern and identify options to manage those risks. In early Jun, CABI, in collaboration with the National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM), conducted a five-day regional workshop on PRA using CABI decision-support tools.…
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Agricultural digitalization: Opportunities and challenges discussed at workshop in India

Authors: Dr R. Rajkumar, Principal scientist, (MSSRF) and Akanksha Nagpal, Manju Thakur (CABI) Digital tools have the potential to improve agricultural productivity, sustainability, and adaptability. Alongside longtime partners, M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), CABI recently participated in a workshop hosted by the Resilience Project. The workshop, entitled “Digitalization of Agriculture: Current Challenges, Responses and Opportunities…
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Empowering women farmers with digital tools in India

A woman farmer in India
In India, 59 per cent of women work in agriculture. This workforce is vital to the country’s rural economy, with women performing many of the big farming jobs, such as planting, weeding, tending, and harvesting crops. 
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Digital advisory tools: reaching last-mile users in India

Minister of Agriculture, Andhra Pradesh, opening CABI's stand at Ag Tech 2023
PlantwisePlus presented its suite of digital advisory tools to end users at the recent AgTech 2023 conference in Andhra Pradesh, India. The PlantwisePlus digital tools are helping improve knowledge and uptake of integrated pest management (IPM) practices. As such, they align with Andhra Pradesh’s Natural Farming Initiative, which promotes the use of agricultural approaches that are in harmony with nature.  
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Boosting the usage of CABI’s digital tools through communication, collaboration, and co-creation

Food security and food safety are two complementing elements of a sustainable future. Unexpected crop losses due to pests and diseases lead to food insecurity, and indiscriminate pesticide usage to control the pest/ disease hamper food safety. In such situations, countries need novel solutions that maintain food safety while addressing food security issues. 
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