Empowering women farmers in Ghana: Introducing the gender handbook for extension agents

At 42%, women form a large and important part of the global agricultural work force. In Ghana, this figure is even higher. Here, women make up 52% of the labour force and produce 70% of food crops. However, gender norms and stereotypes often prevent them from fully participating in decision-making on family farms. This impacts…
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Empowering women in agriculture: The digital leap in Bangladesh

In the heart of Bangladesh, where agriculture embroiders the vast landscape of rural livelihoods, a digital revolution is quietly unfurling. Although gradual, this change holds the promise of transforming the traditional agricultural practices that have been the backbone of the nation. However, the fulcrum of this transformation—empowering women farmers through digital advisory services—remains a story…
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New study highlights positive impact of PlantwisePlus in Ghana on gender-inclusive agricultural extension services

Women farmer in Ghana Gender –a target of inclusive agricultural extension services.
A new study brief shares key findings on gender-inclusive agricultural extension services in Ghana by PlantwisePlus.
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Why it’s important to prioritize unpaid care work in the agriculture sector

Gender norms often prevent women from entering into productive careers in agriculture. These norms are a type of social norm related to what communities believe men and women should and shouldn’t be doing. They’re shared beliefs about typical and appropriate behaviour in a group.
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How community conversations help to close the gender gap in Burundi

What are community conversations and how are they closing the gender gap in Burundi’s farming sector? The gender gap in agriculture is a big challenge. In low- and middle-income countries, women make up an average of 43% of the agricultural labour force. In Burundi, of all the time spent on agricultural work, women make up…
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