Celebrating success: Zambian smallholders combat cassava brown streak disease

Cassava is a critical crop to Zambia’s economy and food security. According to a 2019 paper, cassava (Manihot esculenta) is one of the most important root staple crops in Zambia. An estimated 30% of Zambians – over four million people – consume cassava as part of their daily diet. Indeed, this crop is so important…
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CABI’s communications campaign aids the fight against Cassava Brown Streak Disease in Zambia

CABI Zambia has recently shared evidence on the impact of its communication campaign on Cassava Brown Streak Disease. The assessment finds that the campaign activities played a pivotal role in the fight against CBSD at both local and national levels. 
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Addressing Cassava Brown Streak Disease in Zambia

Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) was officially reported in Zambia for the first time in 2018. It is a viral disease that causes hard rots in cassava roots and can result in substantial yield losses. It gets its name from the brown streaks that form on the stem.
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Evidence note highlights impacts and management strategies for Cassava Brown Streak Disease in Zambia

A new evidence note published by CABI is highlighting the impacts and management strategies for Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD) in Zambia, which threatens cassava yields – a staple crop for nearly six million Zambians.
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Cassava Brown Streak Disease threatens the “Rambo root” further north in Africa

by MaryLucy Oronje and Willis Ndeda Ochilo Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD) is threatening gains made in the intensification of cassava production in Africa. Since my colleague, Abigail Rumsey, reported on the resurgence of this disease in East Africa, and spread to Central and Western Africa, there are now reports of it spreading to northern…
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Cassava virus resistance breakthrough for Africa

One of the worst diseases of the tuber crop, cassava, in sub-Saharan Africa is Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD). Since its resurgence in East Africa in recent years, it is now spreading to Central and Western Africa. The other major disease of cassava in this region, Cassava mosaic disease (CMD), can also cause widespread damage…
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Cassava – another superhero unmasked?

For those of you keeping a watchful eye on the plant health news feed, you may have noticed a recurring theme around the topic of cassava crops in East Africa over the last few days. Cassava, a staple crop across sub-Saharan Africa, has been the subject of a well-established battle against Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD),…
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