New biocontrol agent production model to fight fall armyworm in Bangladesh

The state of BCA use in Bangladesh The use of biological control agents (BCAs) to manage pests is a concept not yet fully embraced by farmers. This is especially true in Bangladesh, where the invasive pest, fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), has affected many crops. First seen in Bangladesh in November 2018, fall armyworm causes harvest…
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Horizon scanning and pest risk analysis of prioritized pests in Bangladesh

PlantwisePlus recently led a workshop in Bangladesh focused on building capacity on the prioritization of invasive alien threats and pest risk analysis using CABI decision support tools. PlantwisePlus facilitated a two 2-day each training workshops in Bangladesh on horizon scanning and pest risk analysis (PRA) respectively. A number of CABI staff travelled to Dhaka to…
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PlantwisePlus boosts crop health in Bangladesh

A rice farmer in central Bangladesh
Crop health in Bangladesh has never been more important. The FAO states that the agricultural sector employs almost 50% of Bangladesh’s population. And more than 70% of the country’s land is dedicated to growing crops.
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Plantwise Bangladesh: supporting national crop monitoring

Covid-19 hub training Bangladesh
The CGIAR COVID-19 Hub provides a coordinated research response to the global pandemic threatening health systems worldwide, along with posing serious risks to food security and progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. The Hub focuses on supporting national response and recovery work across CGIAR research themes, harnessing knowledge for emergency response, recovery, and resilience.
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Asian Farmers Consult Vibrant E-Plant Clinic Network In Pandemic Times

This article was originally published on aesa – Agricultural Extension in South Asia E-Plant clinics are meeting places where local agricultural advisory officers, known as plant doctors, help farmers struggling with plant pests and diseases. During the COVID-19 pandemic, plant clinics continued to provide advisory services to farmers by going online. Malvika Chaudhary shares her…
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Spotted coffee grasshopper in Bangladesh

Even during the COVID lockdown, news channels buzzed in Bangladesh on the arrival of swarms of an unknown pest that were partially covering mango and guava crops, and some forest trees in Teknaf Upazila, Cox’s Bazar District.
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Plantwise Bangladesh National Forum urges government to set up a central diagnostic lab

For more information, in local language, visit
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Free plant clinics set up in Bangladesh

Ten plant clinics have been set up in Bangladesh to provide practical advice to farmers who have crop problems. Read the full story here
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Mango production in Bangladesh

According to the Daily Star, mango production in Rajshahi and Chapainawabganj districts in Bangladesh might be hampered by unfavourable weather this year. The farmers are worried as large numbers of fruits, up to 70%, fell from the trees before ripening. Following the attack by leaf hoppers earlier in March, mango trees in that area are…
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Plantwise Bangladesh in a new era of partnership: National Extension Officers trained as Plant Doctors

The Plantwise programme in Bangladesh was launched with the training for module 1 (Field Diagnosis and Plant Clinic Operation) and module 2 (Introduction to Plant Healthcare) for 32 extension officers in Dhaka early this March. The training followed the signing of a tripartite agreement between the Economic relation division, Ministry of Agriculture and CABI on…
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