Successful on-farm trials using Metarhizium rileyi in Zambia

The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) has wreaked havoc on Zambia’s agriculture, devastating smallholder farmers with staggering losses. But amidst the struggle, a promising solution emerges. Through activities on the PlantwisePlus programme and the Village-based biocontrol of fall armyworm in Zambia project, funded by ACIAR, CABI has delved into combating this agricultural menace with various biological…
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CABI’s communications campaign aids the fight against Cassava Brown Streak Disease in Zambia

CABI Zambia has recently shared evidence on the impact of its communication campaign on Cassava Brown Streak Disease. The assessment finds that the campaign activities played a pivotal role in the fight against CBSD at both local and national levels. 
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Addressing Cassava Brown Streak Disease in Zambia

Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) was officially reported in Zambia for the first time in 2018. It is a viral disease that causes hard rots in cassava roots and can result in substantial yield losses. It gets its name from the brown streaks that form on the stem.
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