How PlantwisePlus and Grameen Foundation are driving change for women farmers in India 

Attendees of the CABI Academy training with Grameen Foundation and CABI
In India, women farmers play a crucial role in agriculture, contributing significantly to activities like seed production, sowing, weeding, transplanting, threshing, and harvesting. Despite making up a substantial portion of the agricultural workforce, their access to advisory services is limited. Many agricultural services do not cater to their specific needs, resulting in a gap between…
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Plantwise Bangladesh: supporting national crop monitoring

Covid-19 hub training Bangladesh
The CGIAR COVID-19 Hub provides a coordinated research response to the global pandemic threatening health systems worldwide, along with posing serious risks to food security and progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. The Hub focuses on supporting national response and recovery work across CGIAR research themes, harnessing knowledge for emergency response, recovery, and resilience.
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Teaching an app to help farmers

farmer in India holding mobile phone
CABI and the start-up Plantix work together to improve the Plantix farmer app. As a result, the app is now able to detect several diseases for the first time. Worldwide, farmers face huge problems when pests and diseases threaten their crops. The stakes are high and the task to identify precisely the cause of the…
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Spotted coffee grasshopper in Bangladesh

Even during the COVID lockdown, news channels buzzed in Bangladesh on the arrival of swarms of an unknown pest that were partially covering mango and guava crops, and some forest trees in Teknaf Upazila, Cox’s Bazar District.
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Training on biocontrol gives confidence to plant doctors from India

India Plant Doctors
CABI scientists from its centres in India and Switzerland joined forces with colleagues from the Koppert Foundation to deliver a two-day training on using biological controls as part of an Integrated Pest Management approach to fighting crop pests and diseases. Koppert, who specialises in the manufacture of bio-based products globally, decided to support the course…
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