Ask the tutor Q&A: Certificates in Advanced Studies in Integrated Crop Management
In this blog, Manfred Grossrieder, Integrated Crop Management Advisor for CABI, answers questions about the Certificates in Advanced Studies in Integrated Crop Management courses.
Improving plant health in Papua New Guinea with plant doctor training
Plant clinics require trained agricultural extension workers to deliver this service to farmers. However, a lack of public extension workers to reach smallholder farmers with the crop advice they need can be a common problem in many countries.
New study highlights positive impact of PlantwisePlus in Ghana on gender-inclusive agricultural extension services
A new study brief shares key findings on gender-inclusive agricultural extension services in Ghana by PlantwisePlus.
Three policy recommendations to reduce pesticide risk
Pesticides can provide rapid means of controlling pests and prevent crop losses, but they can also pose a major risk to humans, animals and the environment. A recent research paper, led by CABI’s Dr Justice Tambo, examined whether plant clinics can reinforce the judicious use of pesticides among farmers in Rwanda and Zambia. It also…